“How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” Ps. 119:103

It’s almost summer and the stores and farmers’ markets are brimming with bright strawberries, blueberries, asparagus and lettuce. Yum!

I am a fresh fruit fan. I love vegetables. Also wonderful, munchy bread or British scones with double cream and strawberry jam! (I even indulge in the occasional serving of McDonald’s French fries when I can’t ignore that aroma any longer.) Clearly, I believe in a well-rounded diet!

Whether it’s physical food or spiritual food, we all need feeding! So WHERE and HOW do you feed your heart and soul?

With summer around the corner, and after 15 months of Covid restrictions on gatherings for Bible Study, or meeting with a few friends to share your walk with God that week, we can get spiritually skinny! Is that YOU?

God wants all of us feeding on milk, and honey, and the meat of the Word—ingredients that build up spiritual muscles and strength for whatever life throws at us. And it always seems to come up with something!

When opportunities for me to meet women in person ended, I asked God, “Now What? You called me to feed Your sheep but how?” As many of you know, the answer for me was “Use ZOOM.”

Take a look at my 2-minute video for more of this story:

On Wednesday, June 9, (6 or 7 pm Pacific time—it depends on whether women from other time zones want to join) I’ll be teaching a new 10-week series on Abraham’s journey with God—and how his experiences and challenges are ones we experience also. Shouldn’t all of us be hearing God speak—but how? What about saying YES, even if we don’t know what lies ahead? What about when we mess up? Or face relational conflicts, or our impatience with God’s timing. Or struggle with Who really matters most—God or Me?

Hungry for some spiritual food this summer? Then join me and 10 others. It’s a way you can feed your soul with something solid and not starve until September!

If you’re interested in joining this small growth group, let me know. I am working on a pdf workbook this month which will be forwarded to you on registration. We will use my book, Reaching Higher as our weekly study guide. Available on Amazon or from me.

The registration fee is $99.95 for the ten-week course. The group will be limited to 10 women (four spaces are already taken).

I’d love you to enjoy this stimulating group experience and grow FAT this summer (Faithful, Available to God, Teachable!). For more information, contact me via my website or via email.

God’s blessings—and I hope to enjoy your company starting June 9.


Get snippets of encouragement every other day. They are posted with YOU in mind at: Instagram and Facebook.

Take your hands off your life and let God direct your path!
Do you long for more reality in your relationship with God? Do you wish you could see measurable spiritual growth? In ten dynamic chapters Poppy Smith teaches you how to reach higher, stretch your faith, handle tough situations, and live with a life-long purpose.


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