Poppy Smith, Speaker
Speaking Topics

Available for 1 Day Seminars and Special Events
Poppy Smith
Available Topics
Why Can't He Be More Like Me? (Fun Valentine Topic)
A fun, informative seminar for women who are married, have been married, or want to be married! Men can also be included for a male/female focus!
Want a special event that equips attendees to better understand areas of conflict in marriage? This seminar covers the impact of different backgrounds, expectations, needs, and reactions on a variety of topics from communication styles to finances and sex. Ideal for women only, or couples, or singles who want to understand the opposite gender!
Go For It! Make Your Life Count for God. (Purpose and Passion)
Do you wonder what God created you to do? Want to explore and find direction? Do you have desires and dreams but wonder where to go with them? In these practical, inter-active presentations you’ll be challenged to not only see life as your most precious gift, but also as something God wants you to invest for the sake of His kingdom. Accompanied by Poppy’s helpful book, she will guide you with insightful questions and thought-provoking exercises to Dream, Review Your Life, Explore Options, Anticipate Obstacles, and Move Forward. A motivating retreat or one-day seminar for all ages.
THRIVE—No Matter What! (Joseph—Life’s Pits and God’s Purposes)
Have you ever asked, “God, where are You? What are You doing? How can I cope?” Like it or not, pits are part of life. But how should we look at them? And where will we get the strength and wisdom we need to cope? Drawing from the life of Joseph, Poppy presents a God who knows who you are, what you’re going through, and how His purposes work together for your ultimate blessing. Through her warm and practical presentations, Poppy equips audiences to thrive spiritually and emotionally—no matter what! In this faith-strengthening series, you’ll learn Pits are a part of life; Pits are learning places; Pits are choosing places; and Pits are not permanent places.
Lord, Flip My House (Inner Transformation)
Do you love watching decorating shows on T.V.? Do you marvel at the changes that can happen in the right hands? Have you ever thought that YOU can experience inner changes when Jesus, the Master Builder, starts remodeling YOUR house? In this fun, Biblically-based presentation, Poppy gently helps you see what needs removing, restoring, or renovating in your heart, attitudes, words, and self-talk. Using true life illustrations of her own ups and downs, you will laugh, identify, and grow as you discover how Jesus can transform you from the inside out. (Talks drawn from Poppy’s book: I’m Too Human to be Like Jesus.) “The ladies came back with rave reviews from retreat. Thank you so much. My only complaint was that it wasn’t long enough – I wanted more of you!” Sara L., Retreat Coordinator
Grow! (Essentials for Pursuing God)
Do you long to grow closer to God? This is His desire for you, too. Sadly, many Christians live in the valleys of life, struggling with habits and thoughts that rob them of experiencing the comfort and joy of God’s presence. In this life-changing seminar, Poppy shares her journey and gives Scriptural encouragement to persevere when the going gets rough. These presentations will help you: Identify five key stumbling blocks that keep you from growing; Discover the spiritual P.O.W.E.R. every Christian needs; and Develop the ability to persevere in tough times. “We would have you back without hesitation! Loved it! Great Speaker with “how to” emphasis. Appreciated the teaching on perseverance.” Debi O, Cornerstone Church, MN.
Wisdom for Today's Woman (Life Principles from Esther)
Today many woman feel overwhelmed by the issues they face—How should they make decisions they won’t regret, deal with loneliness in God-honoring ways, kick their marriage out of a rut, and handle unexpected and undesired circumstances? Applying insights from the lives of five people in the book of ESTHER, Poppy also helps women grow in seeing God’s hand in their difficult and undesired circumstances, and the crucial importance of waiting His timing. “Thank you so much for the wonderful gift of wisdom you shared with the ladies this weekend. I so appreciated how practical your messages were and how beneficial and relevant for women of any age.” Peri L., Women’s Ministry Director.
Speak Wisely, Your Words Have Power!
Would you sometimes like to cut off your tongue? Wish you could swallow your words? Someone is always listening, whether it’s your child, spouse, friend, relative, co-worker, or yourself! Words have the power to break hearts and relationships, they also have the power to build up, heal, encourage and be used by God to bless others. These empathetic messages spoken from one woman’s heart to another, enable listeners to: Understand and get a grip on anger and gossip, discover the power of withholding or giving affirming words, and develop new ways to speak upbuilding words to their spouses, children, and others.
Click Here to check out Poppy’s Bible Study on Speaking Wisely, suitable for groups.
Reaching Higher! (Abraham—Tools God Uses to Grow Our Faith)
Do you wish you had a stronger, more vibrant faith? By tracing the ups and downs of Abraham's relationship with God audiences discover key elements essential for a growing faith. Abraham’s faith was developed over his lifetime by learning to: Walk in obedience; Watch out for his Weaknesses; Discover his distortions of God; Wisely handle conflicts; Wait for God to move; and Weigh what mattered most to him. God uses these same tools in Christians’ lives today to produce a deeper trust in Him.
What Others are Saying!
" What a pleasure it was to meet you and hear your inspiring words! You encouraged me to study more, and better, in God’s Word and to thrive in the life I’ve been given.
I look forward to reading your books! Thank you for allowing God to use your life to bless others! “ E.M. North Carolina.
“The ladies came back with rave reviews from retreat. Thank you so much. My only complaint was that it wasn’t long enough – I wanted more of you!” Sara L., Retreat Coordinator Oregon
“We would have you back without hesitation! Loved it! Great Speaker with “how to” emphasis. Appreciated the teaching on perseverance.” Debi O, Cornerstone Church, MN.
“Thank you so much for the wonderful gift of wisdom you shared with the ladies this weekend. I so appreciated how practical your messages were and how beneficial and relevant for women of any age.” Peri L., Women’s Ministry Director.
Sex, Power, and Serving God! (Suitable for Leadership and Mission conferences)
Sex and Power is a dangerous combination tripping up many Christians working in ministry and the marketplace. Offering fresh and much needed insights into this growing problem, Poppy illustrates from life and Scripture that power can be used and abused by both genders, how both genders attract, what to watch for in yourself, and how to plan your personal action plan based on your deepest values. See a video of Poppy’s presentation here.
“Thank you so much for speaking on Sex, Power, and Serving God at our National meeting. God used you in so many people’s minds and hearts! I heard so many good comments about your talk.” ~ Dr. David Stevens - CEO, Christian Medical and Dental Association.
Who am I, Really? (Fun Women’s Outreach Event)
Do you sometimes wonder who you really are? Does your personality puzzle you? Relax, laugh, and learn as Poppy helps you:
Identify your personality and how others see you
Uncover the labels you put on yourself
Embrace the loving labels God wants you to wear on your heart and mind
Simplify Your Life! (Fun, Practical, Women’s Event)
Life can be like an over-stuffed suitcase packed to the brim with constant activity. But there are answers to our longings for a different pace—answers that take us toward what really matters. In these fun and practical presentations, you will discover WHY and HOW to: DeStress Your Life; DeClutter Your Mind, and Delight Your Soul.
“A timely and applicable message to all desiring to simplify their lives. Poppy’s personal honesty, keen awareness and focus on spiritual restoration were compelling as she provided a way for us to rethink our choices in life.” ~ Kris K., Women's Minister
God's Beautiful W.O.M.A.N (Women’s Inspirational Event)
Our culture’s standard of beauty is a skinny body, sexy hair, spotless skin, and head-turning good looks. Wonderful as those attributes are, what is God’s idea of a beautiful woman? Could every Christian be a raving beauty in His eyes? YES! In this inspiring presentation, Poppy offers her audience simple steps to becoming God’s beautiful W.O.M.A.N.
Gifts, Gifts, Glorious GIFT! (Christmas Outreach)
What has been the best, most exciting gift you've ever received? In this fun, talk-around-the-table, get-to-know each other Christmas event, Poppy uses heart-touching and hilarious stories about gifts she has received. Inviting the audience to identify good gifts they have received, this outreach presentation wraps up focusing on the greatest Gift ever offered, the gift of a relationship with the Living God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
“What a tremendous pleasure and blessing to have you as our Christmas dinner speaker!! FOUR women responded that they had received Christ as Savior. And 32 indicated their renewed commitment. God was definitely at work around the room!” ~Janet D., Arizona
Poppy is inspirational, practical and Biblical. Her teaching brings a fun breath of fresh air to the weary, worried or worn out soul. Her words bring life and love!
Pam Farrel - Men are like Waffles, Women are like Spaghetti
Poppy Smith delivers. She understands the issues women face--fears, self-destructive thinking and unhealthy attitudes. With transparency and joy, Poppy inspires her listeners to move forward in life and faith and to keep on growing.
Rhonda Rhea - Author of The Purse-uit of Holiness
Your openness about your struggles in your marriage and in motherhood, your honesty, your willingness to share truth and how God can heal were INSPIRATIONAL! J.
- A new believer
Poppy, what can I say? You are a wonderful teacher! You have impacted my life in an incredible way . . . Thank you for your marvelous gift and ability to make the Scriptures come alive and to explain them in such an understandable and practical way. You have inspired me to greater study of the Word.
– Oregon
“Poppy gave the most concrete, applicable teaching I have experienced in thirty years of study”
Grateful Attendee
This is the first time I have truly learned things that I can understand well and actually apply to my life; excellent speaker.
- North Carolina .
Thank you so much for speaking on Sex, Power, and Serving God at our National meeting. God used you in so many people’s minds and hearts! I heard so many good comments about your talk.
Dr. David Stevens - CEO, Christian Medical and Dental Association.
It is a rare privilege to work with someone who actually lives the talk, and inspires and encourages those around her to do the same. I have witnessed first hand the move of the spirit through Poppy. Women made willful choices, to change bad behavior, and view their life in the light of God’s word. Lives are changed, by the new perspective that one gets when they are in the company of Poppy Smith.
Bonnie Knopf - Singer, Composer, Author
We would all like to say a great big thank you to you Poppy for being available to the Lord and to us here in the U.K. From the reports we have picked up women were really spoken to by the Lord and His Word and many have said their lives have been challenged and changed. We are continuing to hear such good responses to your meetings here in Scotland.
Lynn Green - President, Christian Women Communicating Intl. In U.K.
You have been such an encouragement to so many ladies in our area alone. The feedback that has come to us . . . She was so real . . . I could relate to her . . . She spoke from her own personal struggles and we could identify with her . . . I could have listened to her for hours . . . Poppy was an inspiration . . . If Poppy only came from America for this one meeting, I think it would have been worthwhile as God has changed my life through her message today.
– Barb D., Australia
It was wonderful having you share with us—insightful, perceptive, organized, meaningful and part of you . . . This is the first time in a long time that I've felt inspired . . . Thank you for your thought-provoking words. I've been recharged to continue the climb.
Presbyterian mission group - Katmandu, Nepal
Interested in having Poppy speak at your event?
Contact Poppy for more information on booking her to speak