About Poppy Smith:
Spiritual Director | Christian Life Coach | Speaker | Author

With a broad background in teaching, coaching, counseling, and inspiring women of different ages and cultures, I offer both Biblical and personal wisdom for situations you may wish to discuss.

Picture of Poppy Smith standing with arms crossed in a kitchen

I’m originally from England and was raised in a loving but non-believing family.

My parents loved to travel and because my father was in the Royal Air Force, we lived in many parts of Britain and in Sri Lanka, Singapore, and Kenya. When I was 17, friends shared the Gospel with me, and I immediately responded to the love of God. To my amazement, God started making me aware of His reality within a few days.

In Nairobi I attended a very small, very English, church where I eventually met and married my American husband. Six weeks later we arrived in the United States. I was only 22 and thought my new life would be a wonderful adventure.  Instead, I found the loneliness of being in a foreign culture and married to someone who vanished into the hospital for his surgical training, only coming home to study and sleep, catapulted me into anger, bitterness, and depression. Having two delightful little children was a joy but having no family for support or guidance only added to my sense of hopelessness.

I struggled with the idea of returning to England or Nairobi, but eventually, God intervened. Through the words of an individual I met only once, He made it clear that running away was not the solution. More details about my journey can be found in “Why Can’t He be More Like Me?”

Gradually, God transformed my anger and bitterness into acceptance, helping me to understand that He was at work even when His ways were beyond my comprehension.

Picture of Poppy Smith sitting outside.

To my amazement, God instilled in me a profound desire to know Him, leading me to join Bible Study Fellowship. I participated for twelve years and served as the Teaching Leader for seven of those years.

After our two children left for college, I received invitations to teach and encourage Christians across the United States and in over 20 countries. During these travels, I discovered that women everywhere, whether in India, Hong Kong, Mongolia, Lebanon, Oman, Australia, New Zealand or many other nations, share a common hunger for spiritual and emotional growth due to facing similar challenges.

Between periods of travel, my commitment to personal growth led me to attend Seminary, where I graduated with a Master's degree in Spiritual Formation and Direction. I subsequently trained as a Life Coach with the American Association of Christian Counselors and obtained certification as a Domestic Abuse Advocate.

Throughout each stage of life, I have experienced personal, emotional, and spiritual growth. Both challenging and joyful experiences have contributed to shaping who I am and what I offer as a Christian coach.

My approach is warm, accepting, understanding, and honest. I recognize that various issues such as anger, fear, bitterness, despair, and temptation can trip you up. BUT: this isn’t where God wants you or me to stay.  I’ve personally experienced all these challenges and have written about them in both my books and blogs.

My passion and role as a coach is to help you gain the practical wisdom, help, and hope God provides so you can flourish as a follower of Jesus.