Need a Good Laugh? Read this!

“A happy heart makes the face cheerful… the cheerful heart has a continual feast… a cheerful look brings joy to the heart” Proverbs 15.

After reading this hilarious story, I couldn’t resist sharing it as we all need to laugh, particularly after the tough year we’ve experienced.

If you follow me on Facebook, you might have read this as I shared it with my readers. If so, enjoy it again and pass it on! Laughter is a gift from God and good medicine for all of us!

Just so you realize: this story is NOT about me! Want more fun, clean humor, check out:

Here’s the story:

“Our crazy dogs have been barking way too much lately and I am not a fan of the electric zapping bark collars. I was at my wits end so I purchased one of those so-called humane citronella collars. It is designed so that when the dog barks, it would shoot out a blast of citronella under his nose.

This morning I was getting the collar ready and filled it with the stuff ... and that's where my morning should have ended. But NO! - it's me, and I begin to become curious as to how said collar works.

I am standing on my porch "barking" at the collar. Nothing happens. I make sure it's turned on, recheck the fill level, and go through the "getting started" checklist one more time. Again, I bark. Nothing happens.

Now I'm not quite sure *why* I had this next thought, but I did ... I put on the collar. I extended the band, fit the growl box against my throat and barked. Apparently, the collar only works if it feels vibrations, because I immediately received a blast of citronella to the face. I began coughing, which only caused the collar to continue to squirt bug juice over and over into my nasal cavity. I am now on my hands and knees gasping for air, and to make matters worse, our dogs are now non-stop barking. So between coughing and yelling at the dogs to stop, I've emptied over a dozen blasts of citronella to my face.

During all of this ruckus, I'm trying to undo the clasp of the collar, which has somehow managed to weld shut during this whole fiasco. I finally get the collar off and threw that crazy (inhumane) devilish contraption across the yard! As I am laying on my porch, totally out of breath trying to suck in the cool morning air, I am thinking this is probably the dumbest thing I've done in a while.

Then I hear laughter.

My neighbor had witnessed the whole thing. He was belly laughing and in between gasps, he tells me, "I was going to come over and help, but every time I started toward your house, you'd set it off again and then I would start laughing so hard I couldn't walk."

So here I am, not only are my eyes red, but my face and ears are too. I came inside to take a shower so I wouldn't be smelling like ode de' Tiki Torch. Thinking over the lessons learned:

1) Don't test dog collars on yourself.

2) My neighbor is not a good source of help in a comedic crisis.

3) I won't have any bug problems for a few days.”

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Hope this brought some light-hearted humor into your day!



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