Individual Spiritual Counseling & Coaching with Poppy Smith

Nobody prepares you for some of the situations you might find yourself in. But--having experienced my own share of personal struggles there is one thing I know for sure:


God-centered coaching for women in all seasons of life!~

Overcoming Life’s Challenges

Life can bring situations and relationships that are complex, confusing, and cause anxiety. As a Spiritual Director, I help women who have questions about God and their relationship with Him. In this role, I offer guidance and support in exploring your faith, deepening your spiritual journey, and finding peace and clarity.

  • Do you long to know your God-given purpose, your value and your worth in God’s eyes?

  • Do you long to break free from negative thoughts and self-talk?

  • Are you facing a major transition and seeking clarity about your next steps?

  • Were you hurt by someone and find it hard to forgive and move on?

  • Do you long for love and friendship but wonder how to find it?

  • Are you in a difficult or abusive relationship and need Biblical counsel?

  • Are you feeling guilt from past unresolved issues? As a Christian do you long for joy and peace instead?

Helping you THRIVE in the Second Half of Life

It's a common misconception that the second half of life is a downward slope. As a mid-life or senior woman, you have the potential to thrive as never before! Throw out the notion that aging means decline—it doesn't! You can step out of your comfort zone, take classes, join groups, pass on your skills and experiences, mentor others, move up the career ladder, write a book, travel, serve others, and follow the path that God directs you into. And I’d love to help you do just that!

Supporting Growth

As a Life Coach, I support women who are struggling with unwelcome changes, losses, unfulfilled dreams, fears, aging, and broken relationships. Together, we can work through these challenges, find new opportunities for growth, and rediscover your purpose and joy.

Identify with These Questions?

·         Do you feel stuck in your current situation?

·         Are you facing unexpected changes, a transition that you find difficult to navigate?

·         Do you feel anxious about aging and the future?

·         Are you dealing with broken relationships or unfulfilled dreams?

If so, you would most likely benefit, as I did, from spiritual counseling and coaching. Let's embark on this journey together to embrace the second half of life with positivity, purpose, and passion!

 God doesn’t want you to go through life’s struggles by yourself, and nor do I. Instead of struggling emotionally, wrestling with fear and anxiety, or feeling you’re in limbo about what steps to take next, you can find relief and hope by talking to someone who shares your faith perspective.

I know the difference it has made in my life when I’ve received Christian counsel from an understanding, safe, and loving coach who wanted God’s best for me.

If this is what you want, contact me and let’s arrange a time to talk. In your free 20-minute Discovery phone call we can discuss what is troubling you and find if I’m the right coach for you. This one call could make a positive difference in your life both now and in the future.

  • 1

    Personal Growth

    I coach women who want more from their lives.

  • 2

    Emotional Growth

    God gave us emotions, but He never intended us to let them run (or ruin) our lives!

  • 3

    Spiritual Growth
    Wish you had someone to listen, pray, and guide you to a closer relationship with God?

#1 Personal Growth

I coach women of any age who want more from their lives.

Women who want to explore what God created and gifted them to do.

Women who want encouragement, guidance, and support to move forward.

If this is you, and you have desires and dreams but wonder where to go with them- personal coaching is the way to move ahead.

Regardless of your age or season of life, is there a dream you have put off, convincing yourself it is impossible? Could you be at a crossroads wondering where God is leading you next? Through personal coaching, I’ll help you discover your strengths and passions, explore the shaping effects of your life experiences, and provide support as you learn to say “YES” to the Spirit’s leading!


As a woman whose books and Bible studies were published after I turned 50, and who also went on to Seminary and became a certified life coach and advocate for women in abusive relationships, I love to proclaim this truth to women in midlife or their senior years:

Don’t settle for a rut- you may achieve more than you ever imagined after 50. Refuse to let age keep you from pursuing your dreams!

If this resonates with you, I’d love to coach you through any hesitations you have. You’ll be delighted to see what God has made you capable of doing in the second half of life!

#2 Emotional Growth

God gave us emotions, but He never intended us to let them run (or ruin) our lives! Wonderful as they can be, giving us joy, excitement, and delight, emotions can also bring hurt, pain, tears, disappointment, rage, and depression.

Positive emotions are part of the abundant life that Jesus came to give us (John 10:10). Too often, however, we have more negative and depressing emotions than positive ones.

With God’s help, emotional transformation can happen. Romans 12:2 declares that our minds, our thoughts, our self-talk, our moods, and negative patterns of thinking can be changed by the renewing of our minds. These changes don’t happen overnight but with support and Christian coaching, you can experience spiritual, mental, and emotional health and the joy and peace Jesus intends for you.

If you are burdened by negative emotions or habitual thinking patterns that produce worry and anxiety or behavior that makes you miserable, irritable, or in despair, let’s meet. My own story involved all these negative emotions, but God, through Scripture, prayer, and the Holy Spirit, helped me turn around. You can experience this transformation also. It’s what God, in His love, wants for you.

Domestic Abuse Support

If you are dealing with conflict and abuse in your home and need a safe and confidential space to share your concerns and experiences, contact me. As a trained Domestic Abuse Recovery Advocate, I have helped women recovering from verbal, emotional, and other kinds of abuse. Abusive relationships are extremely difficult, especially if you are a Christian. If you want help making wise choices for yourself and any children you might have, let’s talk. God wants you to be safe and live in a healthy environment.

To learn more about Domestic Abuse see my PowerPoint HIDDEN ROOMS HERE.

Please contact me after you have viewed this information.

#3 Spiritual Growth

Wish you had someone to listen, pray, and guide you to a closer relationship with God?

As an experienced Bible teacher and Spiritual Formation coach, I’d love to help you discover how God sees you—as precious, His beloved, and a woman with God-given value and purpose. Sadly, this truth seems hard to accept for some. Does that sound like you? During spiritual counseling & coaching, we trace God’s loving movement in your life, both in the past and in the present. When we meet, I listen to both you and the Holy Spirit as we discuss what’s happening in your spiritual life and your reactions and responses to God’s work in you. My role is to lovingly offer insight and counsel as you ask for it. Spiritual Counseling & Coaching sessions are one hour and usually once or twice a month.

Are you looking for answers to various spiritual questions?

Do you believe lies about yourself that make you miserable? Do you ask questions such as: If God is good, why am I hurting so much? I don’t feel God’s love... I need some hope, some joy, some peace but where is it? What’s my purpose in life—why am I even here? Does God even know I exist? I feel so spiritually dry. What is the matter with me?

If these or other issues trouble you, contact me. God doesn’t want you to miss His personal love and care for you. Yes, life is hard at times, but He is with you in whatever waters, rivers, and fires of life you are experiencing. (Isaiah 43:1-3)

These hourly appointments can be scheduled weekly or in a package arranged as you prefer.

 How It Works



Q: How do you hold sessions?
A: We will schedule our first session in person, via phone, or preferably, via Zoom.

Q: How long/frequent are sessions?
A: Coaching/Spiritual direction sessions are generally 55 minutes long and I usually meet with clients once per week or on your preferred schedule.

Q: What is the cost of sessions?
A: Although this is a Christian ministry, I do have costs to cover. Please get in touch with me regarding my rates for individual sessions or 4-6 session packages. I am not on any insurance panels.

Q: How does the initial meeting work?
A: In our initial meeting, we will agree on some goals to work on together and discuss these as we decide how to move forward. Your goals are important, and I encourage you to ask me any questions at any time