Spiritual Disciplines for the Not So Disciplined!

Last Sunday I began teaching a series on Spiritual Disciplines for the Not-So-Disciplined! I plan to blog on what I cover so you can track with me and grow spiritually--wherever you live. I hope you find these blogs helpful and I hope you'll add your thoughts.

When you hear the words Spiritual Disciplines what comes to mind? Do they sound intimidating and not for you? The truth is they are simply a means to an end. They are:

Tools, practices, exercises, ways to get closer to God and allow Him to speak to us,

When we use these tools they help us grow and change and mature. Here's six ways you'll benefit from taking time with God:

  • You'll deepen your awareness and love for God as you pay regular attention to Him
  • Your knowledge and experience of God will grow
  • Your heart will soften so you want to obey Christ because you're so aware of His love
  • You'll become more conformed to being like Jesus: becoming others centered, like Him
  • You'll find your thinking transformed so you see yourself, people, situations differently

These Disciplines, exercises, or tools are NOT:

A legalistic list for super holy people!

A way to get spiritual brownie points with God so He'll bless you with life's goodies!

A way to make yourself feel good about how spiritual you are compared with other Christians!

I hope this blog gives you something to chew over as you think about where you are in following Jesus with all your heart. Join me for the next installment by signing up.


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