Trace Your Spiritual Time Line
Here's a great tool to help you get an overview of your relationship with God.
Draw a straight line. At the beginning point, mark the year you became a follower of Jesus Christ. If this wasn't a definite time you can recall, when did you first become aware of believing in Him as Savior and starting to serve Him?
At the end of the line, write today's date.
Now draw an intersecting line going up or down, showing when you felt closest to God (up), and when you seemed most distant (down).
Write in the approximate dates of both the highs and lows. Now pray about those events and ask God to help you understand and record:
1. What was happening at these times.
2.How you were feeling?
3. What were your thoughts about God?
4. What did you learn about your faith
5. How did the good, and the difficult times, affect your relationship with God?
I hope this reflection exercise is encouraging as you see how God has been with you through tough situations (When you go through the the waters, rivers, fire I will be with you... Isaiah 43:1-5).
I also hope it will lead you to be thankful and rejoice as you see His blessings surrounding you (You are a chosen people... belonging to God, that you may declare the priases of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light... 1 Peter 2:9).
Grow Closer!