Is God Alive?
My frustration grew as I sat trapped in bumper-to-bumper traffic, the late afternoon sun glaring through the windshield. I had only thirty minutes to drive across Portland to my doctor's appointment--and the time was going fast. Trying to find something to be thankful for, I muttered, "Thank you, God, for an air-conditioned car." But my gratitude quickly turned to grumbling as I thought, Why oh why, didn't I bring my cell phone? Then I could at least call to explain that three accidents are clogging up the freeway and I'm going to be horribly late. What am I going to do? After stewing in frustration for ten minutes, a rather unorthodox solution popped into my head. If I could just catch the attention of a driver inching along beside me, maybe I could ask him to call and explain why I'm late. Staring out the window I checked each car to see if the passenger window was open, the driver was looking my way, and that all-important cell phone was visible. I perched on my seat ready to wave, smile, or act like a monkey if that's what it took to catch somebody's attention, but it was hopeless. Dozens of cars slowly moved past, but not one person glanced in my direction. Scribbling a message and the number to call on the back of an envelope, I waited, desperate for an opportunity to put my plan into action. After all, I reasoned, if shipwreck survivors can shove a note into a bottle and toss it in the ocean hoping someone will rescue them, why can't I pass an envelope through an open window? My idea went nowhere, however, because every window stayed tightly shut against the heat—except for one. A small delivery truck drew alongside--its window open. Not only that, a teenager in the passenger seat idly gazed my way. Without hesitating, I rolled down my window and yelled, "Do either of you have a cell phone? Would you make a call for me?" Looking startled, they grinned and replied, "Sure." After telling them what to say, I called out the phone number. "Hey," said the young driver, keeping one eye on traffic, "you must be going to see Dr. Robertson. That's where my mom works. She's his receptionist." "Wow!" I shouted back, stunned at the "coincidence." "That's amazing." Is God alive? I know He is. Does He want us to experience His presence? Absolutely. Out of the dozens of cars that passed me, God had one specially picked out. Grateful as I was, I'm sure His primary purpose wasn't to solve my problem but to remind me of who He is: the all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-loving God. The only One who is fully aware of what I face, what I feel, and what I need. God isn't an abstract concept, but a living person, who sees, cares, and acts--even in traffic jams. Think for a minute: How has God been real to you? Share your story in the comment section below. Blessings,
Poppy SmithInspiring Women to Thrive! Poppy Smith is an international speaker, Bible teacher, multi-published author, and spiritual coach. This story is one of many from her inspiring book, Reaching Higher. For more information visit her website: - you can order this book HERE.