Flourish as a Woman!

God has you here on earth for a purpose. You are not some accidental being. You are a person who has value and meaning. It doesn’t matter if you are well known or unknown, well-educated or uneducated, single, married, divorced or widowed!   

According to God’s Word every person, you included, has value in His eyes. He has a purpose for every one of His children, no matter the circumstances of our birth, our life, our strengths or our weaknesses.

How do I know? Look at Scripture and see how God directed men and women into their unique purpose for their unique time in history.

  • Genesis 50—Joseph recognized God’s purpose in all the awful things that happened to him—and saw that God intended it for good even though his brothers meant it for evil.

  • Exodus 3—Moses was equipped by God to lead His people out of Egypt after he thought he was a failure! He was humbled by his poor judgement, but God chose him despite his flaws.

  • Jeremiah 1—God knew what He had planned for Jeremiah before he was born. Jeremiah said, “Not me!” but God said, “Yes, YOU!”

  • John 4—Jesus said, “My meat (purpose) is to do the will of Him who sent me. Later, looking back, He said, “I completed the work You gave me to do.” (John 17)

God has a purpose for your life and mine! It probably won’t be anything like these great men (and women), but it will be fitted to where you are, who you are, and what God has in mind for YOU.

Ephesians 2:10 declares: We are created to do good works. We are His workmanship. He didn’t create us to sit around but to be His women in today’s world: your family, your workplace, your neighborhood, your school, your community, your church, your place of influence and loving presence.

  • PURPOSE has an eternal perspective.  It is not a goal that once achieved is replaced by another. 
  • PURPOSE transcends life’s ups and downs.  It provides a fixed direction from which you can make wise choices that fit who God has made you to be.
  • PURPOSE gives deep satisfaction and a sense of meaning.  It fits your gifts, passions and abilities. It makes you feel alive, fulfilled, and joyful.
  • PURPOSE touches other people’s lives for good. Phil. 2:4. It is not for self-promotion but carrying out what God has uniquely designed you to be and do.

Think about the following:
  • WHEN you’re older, what do you want to look back on as having been an important part of your life?
  • WHAT do you want to have accomplished?
  • WHERE will you have wanted to invest your time, energy, and resources?
Years ago I heard a saying that impacted how I view my life:

        Life is like a coin.  You can only spend it once.

        How are you spending your life? 

        What future “good works” might God be inviting you to do?

        What do you sense He is encouraging you to step into?

If I can be a sounding board or simply an encourager as you think about God’s purpose for your life, please get in touch. Don’t get down on yourself about past years, tell God you want to move forward into His purposes for you as you look ahead! He will gladly answer your prayers.
Blessings and love in Christ,

Flourish as a Woman! Can You Tame Your Tongue?


Flourish as a Woman! What’s Your Passion?