Flourish as a Woman! What’s Your Passion?

What's Your Passion?
“Live a life worthy of the Lord”
Ephesians 4:1
Living a life worthy of the Lord is not a call to drudgery, duty, or grim discipline. It is an invitation, a call, a challenge to discover and seek after the “abundant life” that Jesus offers in John 10:10.

It is an inner desire God gives to live out the passion He gives to each of us.

Look through Scripture and you will see passion to live a life that counts for God shining through Abraham, Moses, Nehemiah, the many prophets, John the Baptist, the disciples and, ultimately, culminating in Jesus whose passion and fulfillment was to do what pleased His Father. John 4:34

Since the establishment of the Church, men and women in every age and from every country where the Gospel is known have lived out a passion for Christ. I’m sure you can think of many, either locally or nationally, or even internationally.
I think particularly of ones from England, my home country: 

William Wilberforce fought for years to stop the horror of the slave trade, becoming the conscience of England.

Elizabeth Fry began caring for those in prison in the 18th Century.  She was moved by the plight of countless people, including children, who were thrown into dark, dank, crowded cells, often because they were homeless, starving, and stole a little food.

Dr. Barnardo, the founder of many orphanages in many countries, saw the ragged, begging children of London and was moved to care for them.

There are many men and women whose passion drives them to action on behalf of others, and because their hearts are moved by the Spirit of God, they are stepping out of their comfort zones to care for others.

Perhaps you’re one of them?
How can you tell what you’re passionate about? 

Look for these clues:
Think about these questions, and the following ones, then take some time to write out your responses. This will help you decide what steps God might be prompting you to take.
Here are some more helps to identifying what God has equipped you, called you, or is prompting you to do with your one life. 
There’s so much more I could say about finding your passion but let me encourage you to remember:
  • We are all created with different life stories, capabilities, responsibilities and bents.
  • Never compare yourself with another who seems to have more of whatever you feel you lack!
  • Your passion could be family, neighbors, schools, children, the homeless, domestic abuse—God calls you to be HIS person in your world so dream, pray, connect, and say YES!
  • You are YOU. Beloved of God, shaped by your life circumstances and choices, and capable of doing whatever it is He leads you into.  Don’t miss all He has for you. You only live once!
If you want to explore more about what you might step into, get in touch. I’d love to encourage you. You can also find more helpful guidance in my books Go for It. Make Your Life Count for God,” and “I’m Too Young to be This Old.

Watch for more help in my next blog: WHAT’S YOUR PURPOSE?

Blessings on your journey to live fully and abundantly,

Flourish as a Woman!


Flourish as a Woman!