“The sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit… They are in conflict with each other” Galatians 5:17.

Every two weeks a small group of women, singles and marrieds, meet at my house so we can get to know and encourage each other as Jesus followers.  We usually read a chapter of a book (sometimes one of mine) and discuss and apply it with the goal of growing spiritually, emotionally, and personally.  I love it! It’s a treat to meet with them as well as a privilege to be part of their lives.One topic we’re discussing, drawn from my book “Reaching Higher” (or formerly titled Keep Growing) is: What Is the Sinful Nature?   For some of you, it’s familiar teaching—but for others, it might be truth you haven’t quite understood beforeRegardless, I hope you’ll be blessed by realizing you are no longer under the bondage of who you once were!  It makes me want to sing and dance with joy!Here’s the excerpt: The sinful nature is described in different terms depending on what version of the Bible you read. Terms such as “the old nature, human nature, the old self, the old man, the spirit of the world”, or “the flesh” all refer to the same dismal spiritual condition common to everyone.

  • Thinking and reacting from an “I”-centered, or “self”-oriented focus are marks of the old nature. Our decisions are so often based on what I want to do, what I want to have, what I think is best for me. Self-will, self-seeking, and self-conceit can dominate our hearts and determine the direction of our life.

In addition, the sinful nature, or “the flesh,” is attracted to what-ever is opposed to God, appealing to our physical senses and our human drive for significance, success, admiration, and power over others.

  • When the Bible refers to “the flesh,” it doesn’t mean the physical body—saying it is bad. True, it’s through the body that our sin is frequently expressed, but in itself, the body is an incredible creation of God, who pronounced all He made “good.”

Understanding how the old nature is expressed is essential, but we also need to know that once we put our faith in Christ, we receive a new nature—one that is not corrupted by sin and marked by failure and guilt.  Underlining this liberating truth, Paul joyously declares to every Christian: “You are not controlled by your sinful nature. You are controlled by the Spirit if you have the Spirit of God living in you” (Romans 8:9).

Our new nature changes us from the inside out.  We have new desires, make new decisions, and think new thoughts!Have you found this to be true?  Take a moment and think about the changes God has brought about in you.  I hope you will marvel, with me, at the power of God’s Spirit to make you new from the inside out!

Qu.  I’d love to hear some of the ways your old nature is no longer in control! You can respond here.   

(You can order a signed copy of Reaching Higher through my bookstore, or order via Amazon.)      

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