“Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life” Proverbs 4:23
Are you discouraged right now? If not, when have you experienced this very common emotion? When you:
Had no money and wondered how you’d pay your bills?
Were rejected by someone you loved and relied on?
When you, or someone close, received a frightening health report?
When dreams for your life, or your child’s life, vanished?
Discouragement comes from so many sources—and at all seasons of life. As a young mom, I felt overwhelmed by marriage and motherhood. I had no idea how to parent and I had no one to turn to, as my family lived in England. Back then, I had no friends or church group to guide me. It was a tough time, spiritually and emotionally.
BUT GOD: Over time and in many ways, the Lord heard my cries for wisdom, understanding, and growth. Out of that long season of discouragement, and many others over my journey, I learned some practical ways to tackle the misery-inducing pain of DISCOURAGEMENT. It’s summed up in the simple acrostic: G.R.O.W.T.H.
GUARD YOUR MIND!Why? Because what you allow in your mind and accept without questioning influences your emotions, impacts your behavior, and often leads to poor choices that affect the direction of your life. Battle the giant of discouragement by watching what influences your thoughts and emotions. Learn to ask yourself: Is what I’m thinking consistent with God’s Word, His promises, and how He has blessed my life? (Proverbs 4:23)
REVIEW YOUR SELF-TALK: Are you telling yourself the truth? Or scaring yourself by imagining what could happen? Don’t just believe whatever comes into your mind! We have an enemy, the Devil, who tries to discourage and destroy us. Fight him by examining, probing, and questioning what you’re allowing to influence your mood and decisions. (John 10:10)
OBSERVE YOUR EMOTIONS: When your thoughts are from God, the result is joy, peace, comfort, courage, and wisdom. When they are from the Devil, or your own automatic negative thinking, the result is anxiety, emotional pain, anger, revenge, and discouragement. Ask yourself:Are my thoughts dragging me down? Or are they helping me trust God and believe He is at work in my life? (Ephesians 3:20)
WEIGH YOUR CHOICES: When you’re discouraged, you face important decisions that impact your direction. You can choose to:
Be negative or positive about your situation
Grumble or be gracious when things go wrong
Believe God is for you, or not believe His statements about you
Listen to old mental tapes that drag you down, or Biblical truths that lift you up
Give in to self-pity, or purposely praise God
(Philippians 4:6-8; Romans 12:2)
THINK THE TRUTH: Act against discouragement by rehearsing what Scripture says:
You are loved, not a disappointment!
All your failures are forgiven forever
Comparison poisons your soul—you are unique and loved by God
Envying others destroys your joy—God made only one of you, rejoice in this!
HEAR AND ACT: What do you sense God is saying to you? How does He want you to grow emotionally and spiritually through the circumstances you’re facing? Ask God to show you one positive change you can make right now. Then follow through on it, and watch your discouragement change into hope and expectant faith. (James 1:22-25; Psalm 42:5-6b)
Praying you will stomp on your discouragement and delight in the Lord!
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