What Does God Have for You in 2022?

Does He have something you will Delight in?

A new Opportunity?

An area of growth that holds a Blessing in disguise?


Greenery fills my view as I look out the window in my office. Sitting here writing to you, I’m reminded that everything that lives, including you and me, is designed to grow!

I love the above image of this little green shoot. Like us, given the right feeding, watering, and light, it will be transformed into what God, the Great Creator and Master Gardener, designed it to be. Yes, it will experience wind and rain, maybe snow or even a tornado, but it will also bask in days of warmth and sunshine—just like us.

At times life seems as if it will go on like it has for many years. But life does not stay the same. At some point it changes bringing additional joy and celebration. At other times unwanted heartache and loss.

But one thing that never changes is the faithful, loving presence of God who provides comfort, courage, and hope.



I love the following words and want to share them with you:

Ps. 71:5. For you have been my hope, O Sovereign Lord, my confidence since my youth.

V.14. But as for me, I will always have hope, I will praise you more and more. My mouth will tell of your righteousness, of your salvation all day long.

V.23. My lips will shout for joy when I sing praise to you—I, whom you have redeemed.

Simply reading these words stir me to such deep gratitude to God for who He is and what He does. Do you feel the same way?

I love the Psalmist’s emphasis on hope. What about you? What difference does hope make in your thinking, your mood, your view of life when you dwell on God being the God of Hope?

The apostle Paul writes: May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

Those words thrill me—God is the source of hope. His desire is that you experience joy and peace as you go into 2022. But how?

Joy and peace are elusive when it depends on our dreams coming true, or our circumstances never being hard. Joy and Peace is a supernatural state of being that comes from trusting that God treasures, chose, and is for you.

Focus on that, my friends. Constantly remind yourself that the Holy Spirit of God (God dwelling in you—John 16:13-15) walks with you and will fill you with joy, peace, and hope.

You all know that my passion and calling is to encourage women to flourish in their walk with Jesus, so I’ve done something brand new! You’re invited to join a new Facebook group I’ve just started where I’ll post Scriptures, inspiring quotes, questions and answers and many other things that I hope encourage you day by day. I’d love you to join me in this new aide to flourishing spiritually, emotionally, and personally. Here’s the link:

Here is the link: Facebook.com/groups/poppysmith

Love to you,





Grieving during the Holidays? Here’s Comfort and Encouragement for You!