What Tastes Good to You?
I’ve just finished savoring a delicious piece of dark, Dove chocolate. Mmm, what a delight! I let myself have just one every now again. As a diabetic, I know this can’t be a regular treat but it is something I look forward to enjoying a few times a week! Have you ever thought of times with the Lord as a delicious treat? The Psalmist said “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” If you’re like me, maybe some days your time in the Word is super rich and the flavor lingers, leaving your soul deeply satisfied. Perhaps on those occasions you underline certain statements in your Bible, or journal your thoughts, or write out a verse to carry with you. Other days can be more ordinary—you’re feeding on good, solid, truth, but the powerful awakening of your spiritual taste buds doesn’t happen. Sort of like eating your vegetables! I love my spiritual Dove chocolate moments—and this week they came through Ps.116:8-9:
For you, Lord, have delivered me from death,
My eyes from tears,
My feet from stumbling,
That I may walk before the Lord
In the land of the living.
Have you experienced this? Do you love the Lord because:
- He does hear your voice?
- He has heard your cries for mercy and comfort?
- He has delivered your eyes from tears which flow out of the pain that life brings.
- And He does deliver you from those repeated mistakes that grieve you deeply?
Perhaps you’re feeling overcome right now by trouble or sorrow and you have called on the Lord for help. We wish God would wipe away the struggles we face in life but he doesn’t do that.Instead, He promises to give you the power to stand firm rather than be knocked out of action. He also promises He will change your perspective, infuse you with strength, and comfort you at a soul-deep level. How have you experienced God in your dark times? What good came out of that time?If that is where you are right now, ask Him once again to give you a deep, authentic, and satisfying taste of His goodness. It will restore your soul even better than Dove chocolate!Blessings,
Poppy SmithInternational speaker, multi-published author, Bible teacher, and spiritual coachInspiring Women to Thrive!