Thrive Spiritually: Another Reason to Read the Bible
I just got home from driving my husband to the airport for a three week trip to Kenya and Singapore. I prayed for safety and rest on his many flights, and that God would use his skills and experience to bless the young doctors he would be teaching and mentoring.In the midst of praying in clogged traffic, I also thanked God for His Word that tells us He cares about the details of our lives. And I thought about this: Without reading the Bible, how would I know that God is the giver of all good gifts: health, a heart to help others, hope, and the power to be and do more than is possible without the aid of His Spirit?In last week's blog I likened the Bible to A SWORD, OINTMENT, and A PROD. Have you experienced these effects in your life? When? I've needed and been the recipient of all three from time to time!I was going to give you three more pictures today but instead, I'm going to do a short blog on each of themone at a time. Here's today's metaphor that describes yet another BENEFIT OF MAKING TIME TO KNOW WHAT'S IN YOUR BIBLE. The Bible is like:
- A Shield: We don't use shields in battle anymore, but in the rainy Northwest we use a shield against the rain constantly--it's called an umbrella. A shield protects, covers, and keeps us from the full onslaught of whatever we're afraid of or hiding from.
In the Psalms, David wrote: "My shield is God Most High." He was conscious that no matter how clever or strong he was in battle, his ultimate safety rested in God's protection until his days were over. So does ours. (Ps.7:10).Paul writes: God is our shield against the attacks of Satan and "the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." When the Enemy comes against us, we're told to "stand firm and take up the shield of faith." God not only protects us physically until our time on earth is over, He also protects our minds and hearts against Satan's fiery darts of fear, despair, and doubt. (Ephesians 6:10-19).Why read the Bible? Because if you don't, you won't know what powerful insights, thoughts, feelings, guidance and blessings God wants to give you in every season of life.So think about it. Just how would you answer the question, "Why read the Bible?"