Ten Ways to Strengthen Your Trust in God

2023 is in the past. Whether it was a year full of good experiences or had more than its share of hard situations, it is over and God has given us another year to grow, learn, and serve Him. May it be full of awareness that He is with you, He is your Strength, your Rock, Your Security and Stability through all your days. Warm wishes for a wonderful 2024. 


Ten Ways to Strengthen Your Trust in God
  1. Sing or read hymns—go online and find them or pull out an old hymnbook—but soak in their wonderful words. (I love the words: “Glory to Thee, Thou Son of God most high, all praise to Thee.  Glory to Thee enthroned above the sky, Lord, I love Thee.”)
  1. Read favorite authors—some oldies but goodies: A.W. Tozer, J.I. Packer, Amy Carmichael, John Piper—whoever draws your heart to the Lord.  Find a quiet place and take 30 minutes alone to read, be refreshed, worship, and rejoice.
  1. Read the Word—just sit and read a New Testament book right through! (There are plenty of short ones that are packed with power!) More time? Read more!
  1. Read a Devotional every day.  I am currently reading My Utmost for His Highest (by Oswald Chambers), Magnificent Prayer (by Nick Harrison), and Streams in the Desert.   They enrich my thoughts and reinforce what God says in His Word.
  1. Be Thankful—constantly give thanks—for everything from a parking spot to a good health report to a child’s hug to answers to prayer to music that fills your heart with delight in God.
  1. Extend grace to yourself—learn to believe and accept that God loves you and is not finding fault and criticizing and condemning you because of your human weaknesses.  He forgives and knows we are but dust! (Be sure and read Ps.103:8-14 if you doubt how He views you!)
  1. Memorize Scripture—write it down, swirl it around in your mind like delicious chocolate, savor the truths God wants to feed into your heart and life.
  1. Remember God’s Ways—Read Ps.77 and remember, meditate, consider all God’s mighty deeds.  What has He done in your life? How has He acted on your behalf? Write it down. Feed your soul on His goodness.
  1. Sing—even if you croak and can’t hit the high notes like me!  Make a joyful noise!
  1. Connect with others—share God’s goodness and reality with others and receive a blessing from them as you hear of His work in their lives.
There are so many other ways to Feed Your Soul—put these into practice and add your own!

Blessings and joy to you in 2024!

Stay Alert. Attacks Happen!


Comfort and Coping with Grief and the Holiday’s!