What’s My Personality Type? Am I a Sanguine, or What?

  • Do you love to be around people and find yourself energized by sharing your thoughts and opinions?
  • Are you enthusiastic, happy to get involved, and want everyone to enjoy the activity?
  • Are you blessed with a sunny nature (at least, most of the time), tend to be emotional and demonstrative, and not inclined to take offence or hold grudges very often?
My warm and bubbly friend, Tammy, is a perfect example of a Sanguine.   She is an extrovert and thrives on leading worship, singing, and playing the piano.  Not only that, but she also loves to serve God by serving others, especially through her ability to cook!  Whether peeling potatoes, slicing beans, or patting buttermilk biscuits into perfect rounds, Tammy’s cheerful personality draws people like a magnet. 

As a Sanguine, Tammy acknowledges that spending time alone reading and studying the Word isn’t her strength.  Instead, she enjoys short, daily devotionals with personal applications that she can read quickly before rushing out the door.  

Her prayer life, for the most part, consists of spontaneously talking to God about whatever touches her—a friend’s need for a job, her mother’s illness, or an upcoming event that she is involved with. But sometimes, Tammy wistfully longs to experience more of God—and wonders how that could happen.


How Can a Sanguine Connect with God?

If you identified yourself as Sanguine, perhaps you’ve also wondered how to experience more of God. 

“I want to press into God,” said Tammy, “but being realistic, I can’t figure out where to add one more thing to my schedule.  Every day is like running a marathon. I take the kids to school, work all day, try to keep my house somewhat clean and volunteer a couple of evenings a week.  Where is there time for sitting quietly and thinking about God and me?”   

Carving out time to slow down and let God speak into your life doesn’t happen easily for any personality type. Most of us juggle roles and tasks at a furious pace and let’s be honest, our noise and activity filled days can easily drown out God’s whispered questions; who are you and where is your life going?

For Sanguines in particular, it can be especially hard to slow down and give God your undistracted attention—but don’t despair!  Watch for some practical help to do just that next time. 

If you’re NOT a Sanguine, hang in there! We will get to the other three personality types soon.

Qu. Here’s a question for you:  If you’re a Sanguine: What other traits do you notice in yourself? Hint: Think about the Apostle Peter and you’ll get some clues!
