Expand Your Horizons with One Small Step

Expand Your Horizons with One Small Step {Dare to DREAM series at PoppySmith.com}You’ve heard the saying, “Every journey begins with one small step.” Well, it’s true!Without taking one small step, God-given passions fizzle and die! Sadly, we might look back later and realize:

  • I never pursued what God put on my heart!
  • I never sought greater horizons—something new, stretching, out of the box for me.
  • I never tasted the fulfillment of my dreams, discovering what I’m capable of.
  • I never acted on my dreams, overcame obstacles, or saw what God could do!

If God has called you to step into something new, or given you a passion or dream, don’t let time drift by before taking one small step. What step could you take this week? Here are some suggestions:

  • Go online and research your area of interest. Type in several key words and educate yourself.
  • Go to websites and read relevant blogs and articles.
  • Check classes available for training—community colleges, universities, other sites.
  • Offer to help, ask to observe, visit with someone who does what interests you.
  • Volunteer and discover if the dream you have meets with your reality!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight (Proverbs 3:5-6).

An Example of Stepping in Faith

In my book, I’m Too Young to be This OldI tell the story of a friend “Carole” who dreamed of finishing her degree and becoming a counselor. However, Carole had an unemployed husband who struggled with depression plus three children to support. Being realistic, she knew it wasn’t going to be easy to accomplish her goal. But, instead of giving up, she enrolled in a local college—one class at a time. Working a day job, she eventually achieved her undergraduate degree.After finding employment as an aide at her local school, Carole discovered that the school district would pay for certain staff to get their Master’s degree while working for them. It wasn’t the exact field she dreamed of, but it enabled her to get the higher education she wanted.Expand Your Horizons with One Small Step {Dare to DREAM series at PoppySmith.com}Talking with Carole a few years later, she commented, “I wanted to be a counselor, but in the job I now have working with special needs children, I get to do a lot of listening and counseling with the parents of my students. It wasn’t exactly the path I thought I’d take, but God fulfilled my inner desire to help others.”Carole pursued her dream even though her circumstances were less than ideal. She prayed, flexed, and took one step, then another. She saw God work in her life—but it began with moving forward, one step at a time!

Let's Talk: What step is in front of you? How will you respond? (If you are an email subscriber and want to comment on the actual post, click here to visit the blog and leave a comment.)

 This post is part of my Daring to DREAM series. Click here to view all the posts in this series.

Tweetables:"Know the saying, “Every journey begins with one small step”? It’s true! Ideas for taking that step via @Choose2Grow: http://wp.me/p2JdPr-Sr" - Click here to tweet this."If God has given you a passion or dream, don’t let time drift by before taking one small step. http://wp.me/p2JdPr-Sr via @Choose2Grow" - Click here to tweet this.

Poppy Smith

International speaker, multi-published author, Bible teacher, and spiritual coach

Inspiring Women to Thrive! 

Permission to use this article is granted provided the following credit is fully included.

Poppy Smith is funny, warm, and passionate about helping women grow spiritually and personally so they experience the love and power of Christ in life’s ups and downs. A former teaching leader with Bible Study Fellowship, Poppy has a Masters in Spiritual Formation and ministers extensively as a retreat and conference speaker both in the US and around the world. For more information about Poppy’s heart, her books and ministry, please visit her website at www.poppysmith.com.


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