Alcoholic Finds God Can Transform

Sometimes you receive a letter that inspires and humbles you--a letter that tells of God's incredible goodness and power to transform a life. I want to share this kind of letter with you. It came today and I will be careful not to divulge personal details. May it bless and encourage you!

"Dear Poppy,

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I have just finished reading your book, I'm Too Young to be This Old. Wonderfully written. I have learned a lot from your book. I must say that I have a lot more learning to do.

I will let you know a little about myself: I have been an alcoholic for many years. And untill two and a half months ago, I just couldn't put the cap back on the bottle. After I became a Christian I don't have the urge whatsoever to even take another mouthful.

Yes, I realize that I've wasted quite a few number of years (not to mention $) on alcohol. But thank you Heavenly Father for your mercy! When I called upon Him, He answered in more than one way.

He took the urge to drink away and placed peace in my heart and mind. Now in the morning when I arise, I thank Him for another day and ask Him for guidance. I've been reading the Bible daily and also praying! The Bible is so interesting.

After I read your book, I felt I should write to you and let you know how much your book has helped me look at myself. Thank you very much for writing the book. So Poppy, continue what you're doing. God bless you."

(The writer found a copy of my book in a little general story in Saskachewan. Isn't God good to send what she needed to a tiny town in Canada!)

I'll get back soon to blogging on what I've been teaching. This week the focus is on Sabbath-keeping. What is it? Is there something for today that God wants us to understand?


Sabbath-keeping: Should it be practiced today? Why?


Can Journaling Help You Know Yourself?