“The godly shall flourish like palm trees…. Even in old age they will still produce fruit and be vital and green.  This honors the Lord, and exhibits his faithful care.” Psalm 92:12-15 TLBWhat makes you flourish?  Have you ever thought about it?  Is it:

  • Time with family – (or certain ones in your family!)?

  • Shopping and coming home with an exciting find?

  • Spending time sharing with a loving friend who’ll listen for as long as you need to talk?

  • Sitting in a quiet place talking to the Lord, reading His Word, listening for His voice?

  • Playing music that fills you with praise or makes you dance with joy?

How would you answer the question: What makes you flourish? We all flourish, or thrive, or experience joy, when we do what God has shaped us for and when we practice gratitude. As the Psalmist said, “even in old age” you can still produce fruit and be vital and green!  What a great promise and perspective.Whether you’re in “old age” or some earlier phase of life, let me share with you three ways to cultivate a mind-set that will help you flourish.   These are not original with me, but a coaching client urged me to share them with you.  Here they are:

  1. Every night list three blessings from that day. Try to notice them during the day and jot them down in a notebook at night. This helps retrain your mind to focus on what lifts you up, gives hope, and helps you be aware of God’s presence in your circumstances.

  1. Express Gratitude every day.Don’t just think about being grateful, start expressing it! Say what the person has done or said that encouraged you, or helped you in some way. Speak to them face to face, if possible. If not, make a call, send a note, email, or text them. You will feel happier and so will they!

  1. Develop an Appreciative Heart.Studies have shown that this is a powerful way to relieve stressful thoughts and feelings. Fill your mind and heart with everything you have to be appreciative about. A home, family, friends, a car that runs, some level of income, people who care, and clothes to wear… the list is endless for all of us no matter our individual circumstances.

You and I can flourish spiritually, emotionally, and personally, but we have to be intentional for this to happen.

I’d love you to join me so we can flourish together!Poppy

For further insights read my book, Go For It!: Make Your Life Count For God.  

I’d love to autograph your copy when you orderHERE.

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