You Can Thrive ~ Keep Learning! Seeing your mind as a gift from God is another reason to take care of yourself.True, we all have different levels of intelligence, but regardless, we’ve all been given a mind with which to think and learn and reflect the glory of God through what we do and say.Stressing the importance of training our minds to think from a Christian perspective about issues and ideas swirling around us, Pastor and author, Gordon McDonald, gives four pointers:

  • Learn to become a listener. Ask good questions, especially of wise older people
  • Listen to mentors who believe in you. Be humble and open to learning.
  • Grow through reading. Develop it as a discipline that will benefit you and others. Read with a notebook and pen at your side. Stop and reflect, listening for God’s whispers.
  •  Set aside time daily to read. Look for ways to bless others with what you’re learning

Having the humility and willingness to keep learning throughout our lives is essential if we want to use, rather than waste, the mind God has given us.

Learning is essential for success in lifeI can think of two critical times in my own life where focused learning was the only way to survive. Perhaps you can think of times where you too, had to learn in order to succeed.As a young mom whose family lived in England, I didn’t have a clue about raising children or dealing with stress. I needed to learn—and fast. I watched other moms, listened to older, experienced mothers, read books about child development,  and asked God to change my attitudes and reactions. This was all part of using my mind.In my early thirties and with my children in elementary school, I found myself on another steep learning curve. Standing before several hundred women in my Bible Study Fellowship class as their new leader, I saw women older and wiser, with far more experience of life and the Lord than I had.  And they expected me to teach them. The problem was, I didn’t know much.  I hadn’t grown up in a Bible-believing home. I never went to Vacation Bible School.  Or, Bible college.  Or, college of any kind. To be God’s instrument, I prayed desperately, studied and worked hard, and made sure I knew what I was talking about—especially because my first year’s topic was The History of Israel and the Minor Prophets.To value the intellect God gave you, make a commitment to stay mentally sharp.  Here are some areas I’m working on. Why not create a list that will help you keep learning?Intellectually: I Will Value My Mind

  • I      will read _______books a month that feed my mind, strengthen my faith, or      bring me joy.
  • I      will take a class in _______________ to learn or develop helpful skills
  • I      will seek out a lecture or training opportunity with others who share my      area of interest in:      __________________________________________________________________
  • I      will spend time each week improving my skills in ____________________________
  •  I will look for opportunities to deepen      my understanding of God’s Word      by:___________________________________________________________________

King Solomon stated, “A wise man will hear and increase learning, and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel.”  He then said: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (Proverbs 1:5, 7).  Cultivating the kind of mind that produces a yielded heart and respect for  God as the source of all wisdom, is to truly value your life.Qu.  When did you last read a book that expanded your mind and filled your heart with delight?  Let us know so we can be stretched and blessed with you.Blessings,Poppy SmithInternational speaker, multi-published author, Bible teacher, and spiritual coachInspiring Women to Thrive! Permission to use this article is granted provided the following credit is fully included.Poppy Smith is funny, warm, and passionate about helping women grow spiritually and personally so they experience the love and power of Christ in life’s ups and downs. A former teaching leader with Bible Study Fellowship, Poppy has a Masters in Spiritual Formation and ministers extensively as a retreat and conference speaker both in the US and around the world. For more information about Poppy’s heart, her books and ministry, please visit her website at above graphic was purchased from Dreamstime and is used with permission © Andreykr |


You Can Thrive ~ Emotionally Part 1


You Can Thrive ~ Value Your Body With a Covenant of Care