“Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me?"   

Psalm 42:5a

Have you felt blue, discouraged, or emotionally upset recently? I was last week. Unless you’re blessed with a non-stop upbeat personality, feeling blue happens to most of us as a response to upsetting circumstances or memories.

A woman in one of my spiritual/emotional growth groups made the comment that she was born a “blue” baby. She explained that since childhood, she tended to see things through a negative filter. Does this describe you?

According to FLOURISH (the guide we’re using in my online groups). ” Research has found that 50% of our initial happiness seems to be determined by our natural happiness set point. In addition, the way we think, life conditions, and circumstances can determine 10% of our happiness. The remaining 40% determining our happiness has to do with the voluntary thinking, attitudes, and practices we choose.”

How does Scripture affirm the power of our thinking?

1. Psalm 139:13-16 declares we are unique individuals. That means we don’t all react in the same way to the same circumstances. You might be able to shrug off what another person is devastated by because of their experiences.

2. The Apostle Paul knew the power of our mind to direct our mood and life choices and shows us what to do:

* Romans 12:2 “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

2 Corinthians 10:5 “Demolish every thought that sets itself up against your knowledge of God and take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (my paraphrase)

Philippians 4:8 “Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy—think on these things!


You and I have God-given tools to deal with discouragement and to fight the blues.

The struggling writer of Psalm 42 models something I learned to do a while ago. If I wake up, or notice during the day that I’m feeling down, I ask myself the same question he did:

“Poppy, what’s the matter? What’s the reason behind how you’re feeling right now?” Then I pray for the Holy Spirit to help me see where my mood is coming from. Did I have a negative encounter the day before? Am I upset with myself over something, or with someone else? I’m sure you can come up with other questions where you gently seek to know the source of your discouragement.

In addition to praying for spiritual insight, there are other ways to help you move from discouragement to feeling encouraged. Here are a few:

* Prayer! Pour out your heart to God. Weep before Him if you want. We’re created to release the tension we might feel emotionally. Let Him comfort you with His love.

* Connect with others. We need others who are safe, not critical. Listeners not controllers.

* Count your blessings not your heartaches or fears. We all have much to be grateful for.

* Play music that draws your heart to God. It changes your brain! Sing as a choice!

* Find sources of laughter—comics, movies, memories. It is good, mood-enhancing medicine.

    The Psalmist pivots from focusing on his emotional pain to a powerful way you and I can help ourselves conquer the blues. He says to himself exactly what we need to say to ourselves:

    Your Name…. Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him,
    My Savior and my God.” Psalm 42:5b

    Will you do this when you’re struggling?

    Much love to you, my human friends! Please get in touch if I can be an encouragement.


    Get snippets of encouragement every other day. They are posted with YOU in mind at: Instagram and Facebook.


    Why Does God Allow Trials?
