When Did You Last Say "Thank You"?
I love this image because I'd like to be a beautiful young girl walking in a pretty dress through a meadow--who wouldn't? But even if those days are long gone, I still have much to be thankful for--we all do.
Has it been a while since you've thought of saying "Thank You" to the Lord? Look back at your last few days and see what you can give thanks for. Here's a short list of what has come to my mind:
- I spoke four times (an hour each) last Saturday at the Oregon Christian Writers' Conference. I hadn't felt my best for a couple of days and didn't eat much before leaving. But I knew I needed something to give me energy. No, I didn't drink any coffee for various reasons--but the thought came to drink orange juice. I rarely do this because of being diabetic and its high sugar content. But it was the perfect drink and kept me going in the morning, I'm thankful God directed me even in something as trifling as this.
- I'm thankful that people were encouraged and motivated -- exactly what I had prayed for.
- I'm thankful for my friend and ministry assistant, Karen, who made me a magic wand for a fun prop!
- I'm thankful for all the things we take for granted: a home, a car that works, food, friends, family.
- I'm thankful I'm packed for my trip to the Middle East that begins tomorrow.
- I'm thankful I can trust the Lord when He says, "I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
How about you? When Jesus healed ten lepers, only one stopped to acknowledge the One who healed him. He turned back to say, "Thank You." What has God done for you--major or minor--that deserves a "Thank You"?