What's Your Vision?
Are you running somewhere? Does your life have direction? Do you know your calling and are you intentionally praying and taking steps in that direction?
Just got back from Louisville. What an incredible conference on global health missions. Over 2,000 attended and at least two-thirds were under 30. I stood and watched hundreds and hundreds of young adults stream forward to place a card on a floor map of the globe indicating the area of medical missions they felt God calling them to.
These were med students, dental, pharmacy, nursing students, residents, docs. I was overwhelmed with joy and awe at the generation God is raising up and training for His work both here and around the world. You would have wept. One person called it "The Urbana of medical missions."
I have come home, both from Kenya and this conference, filled with joy and deep gratitude for the power of God's Spirit to stir and call and lead all of us from every nation to follow Him.
Be encouraged. Run towards the vision God has given you and claim His promise: Hebrews 10:35-36. "So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised."So True!