What Jesus Means To Me

Watch for May's THRIVE where you'll find out who won one of the two give away copies of my new book: Why Can't He Be More Like Me? (Check it out at www.amazon.com or at my website, www.poppysmith.com)
Thanks for writing!
Dear Poppy,
Well I've started this three times because I don't know where to start. I can say Jesus is my Rock. I learn on him every day to help me get through this life on earth, he has blessed me with being a happy person through good bad and the ugly times. His shinning spirit carries me every day. If it was not for him I would not be able to function here on this earth. He has taught me to slow down and look and hear all of his daily blessing.
Dear Lord please guide me today with understanding patience and a happy heart, help me to hold my tongue when needed and to use both of my ears to listen, please forgive me for my sins my heart his heavy because of my sinful thoughts and behaviors I will well try and do better today with you by my side.
In Jesus name Amen.
Without Him, I'd be nothing!
He's my hope, my strength, and my help each day.
He's my loving father and best friend.
I'm most grateful for His new mercies every morning.
Jesus is my constant voice companion. He makes me be aware of what other people say. It might be a sentence, a part of the sentence, a phrase or just a simple word. These word’s turn into and gets translated into a spiritual message or reflection that I contemplate and ponder. Jesus speaks to me through these words. Just yesterday, I heard someone remark – “The ship is turning” Jesus made me aware of the status of my own “ship” – which direction is it turning?
Thank you,
For me this is the most important period in my Christian lives. Celebrate it with me.
Jesus loves me...this I know! Jesus knows me...this I love! I was very blessed to attend BSF for many years as the Children's Supervisor. Oh! How I loved to tell the children about the love of Jesus! During those years, many dear friends prayed for my husband's salvation. Now, he attends a men's BSF...and Jesus is his Savior. How I praise Him!!! Thank you for sharing your love for the Lord and for us.
I am Terri
Jesus means to me the light of hope in my darkness. I suffer from depression and have had a lot of "bad luck" job, economy, loss of home etc.
I know that he is my savior and hope. I look to him when I am down and know others suffering more can make it so can I.
Forgiveness from all I have done, do & will do!
Hope for today & tomorrow & all of my days until He calls me Home to do & be
who & what He asks of me!
Everlasting Love that is bigger & better than I could ever imagine!
I could go on & on but I am trying to be concise!
I read something this morning that expresses what God means to me far more accurately than anything I could express on my own.
I read something this morning that expresses what God means to me far more accurately than anything I could express on my own.
"Life without God is like an unsharpened pencil - it has no point."
Jesus is my ever present friend and my elder brother. This is because there was this time I was so low and lonely, my biological brother had forsaken me and was blackmailing me as well as accusing me falsely before my parents. I felt like life was not worth living. However, Jesus reminded me that family could fail me as they did to Him but His love and everlasting presence will never depart from me forever.
Praying your love for Jesus is flooding your heart as you reflect on these comments. Thank you again. Poppy