What Are You Telling Yourself?
(Setup your printer to print this as a 4x6 size on regular paper and cut out this card, or print on 4x6 photo paper as a reminder.)
Do you ever call yourself names? Or tell yourself: I can’t. I’m stupid. Why try, just give up? Whether negative messages have come from our parents, a teacher, or someone else, they can burn themselves into our minds and become part of our belief about ourselves. We can even be the source of our own distorted thinking. My friend, Diane, convinced herself that she was dumb, no good at school, and unable to accomplish anything of significance in life. But decades later she examined what she told herself and broke free of the lies that had kept her tied up for so long. Sandra’s destructive self-talk belittled not only her brains but also her beauty. “My mother always said I wasn’t very bright or beautiful,” she confessed, “so I just kept on telling myself that. It never occurred to me to question what I was told.” Misery-inducing messages gnaw away at our personal and spiritual growth. Which ones pop up in your mind? One way to break the hold of these deeply embedded lies that keep us from living as God’s confident women is to: Review and challenge your thinking: Ask yourself:Why do I think this about myself? (What/who is the source?)
- Is what I’m saying to myself Biblically true? (i.e. Does God say this to me?)
- What are the consequences if I believe this? (How does it impact my life?)
If you struggle with this issue (and most of us do at some time), take time to chew over these questions. You might want to write them on a card and carry it with you. Snatch those odd moments in the day and ask God to give you spiritual insight and wisdom to overcome this bondage. Jesus said, “You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). That means His truth about yourself, as well as the truth of Salvation through Christ alone–both bring freedom. (More on this topic can be found in my book, I’m Too Human to be Like Jesus–Spiritual growth for the not-so-perfect woman Available from my website: https://www.poppysmith.com/im-too-human-to-be-like-jesus-spiritual-growth-for-the-not-so-perfect-woman/) To view all of my books, click this link: https://www.poppysmith.com/category/books/ If you haven't done so yet, you can click on the graphic above to print off the PDF of the graphic above. Set your printer to print it as a 4x6 size on regular paper and cut out this card, or print on 4x6 photo You can take this gentle reminder with you, and put other copies in convenient places so you can speak the truth about yourself, to yourself. Blessings,
Poppy SmithInternational speaker, multi-published author, Bible teacher, and spiritual coachInspiring Women to Thrive!