Thrive - No Matter What!

Thrive. Make progress. Expand your life. Overcome the negatives. Flourish. Develop as a follower of Jesus. Are you thriving—no matter what is going on in your life? Take another look at what it means to thrive. Do you recognize yourself? When life is tough, it’s hard to believe we can thrive regardless of our circumstances. If you’re honest, unless you have a totally upbeat personality, you’re probably more inclined to sink into an emotional pit. Most of us have been in these kind of pits at one time or another. See if you recognize the following:

  • Disappointment: Your pit might be because you didn’t get that job or the news that you wanted. You feel bad and sad, even mad!

  • Discouragement or Depression: Your pit can be from any source but plunges you into discouragement or depression—which a high percentage of people, including Christians, struggle with.

  • Devastating Loss: Your pit is the result of a devastating loss—of someone you love, a health diagnosis, a financial reversal, or…?

Pit experiences are part of life because we live in a fallen world, with imperfect people who have the power to hurt us. But that isn’t where God wants us when life hurts. In fact, what He wants is for us to know and grab hold of the resources He provides so we grow stronger through our struggles.

How can this happen? Here are three principles that will help you flourish:

  1. CLING TO GOD. Refocus on what you know of Him. Fix your thoughts on who He is: A Rock. Faithful to His promises. Truthful. Unchanging in His love and good purposes for your life. All powerful. Able to provide all you need in the situation you are in. Chew on Psalm 40:1-3. Nourish your heart, strengthen your trust in Him.

  1. CHOOSE HONESTY WITH GOD AND YOURSELF. Refuse to hide your feelings from yourself. Rip off the “I am perfectly fine and nothing is wrong, after all I am a Christian and God loves me.” Yes, He does! But every human being, despite what they believe, gets hurt, wounded, or frightened in this life. David knew that God required honesty: “Surely you desire truth in the inner parts, you teach me wisdom in the inmost place” (Psalm 51:6).For emotional and spiritual health—tell yourself, and God, the truth of where you are. Then open yourself to His Spirit for comfort, guidance, and the courage to take the steps He points out.

  1. CULTIVATE WHAT STRENGTHENS YOU! Pits take their toll on you physically as well as emotionally and spiritually. Here are 3 essential actions you must take to get delivered from your pit:

  • Make time to be with God. Read regularly. Chew it over. Write down your thoughts. Turn them into written or verbal prayers. Praise Him for what He blessed you with yesterday, and ask for what you need today.

  • Make time to be with safe friends. You need to share your life with those who hold things in confidence and who want your best. Don’t withdraw!

  • Make time for healthy self-care. Exercise, sleep, have fun, do something different. Do whatever lifts your spirits and improves your physical and mental well-being.

Let's Talk: PITS ARE NOT PERMANENT! What can you do today to cooperate with God and start to thrive? 


4 Tips for Life's PITS


Research about Domestic Violence