Think Before You Speak!

Part of the fun of the Christmas season is thinking about what food or gift you’ll be taking to parties and get-togethers. (If you’re like me, this can also be part of the stress because of my less-than-Julia Child skills!)Although food and gifts add to feelings of goodwill, there’s another more long-lasting way to express love and friendship—it’s taking time to think before you speak to family, friends, neighbors, and work or ministry colleagues.

Your words can make a great difference in another person’s life.

In case you doubt this: Reflect on the warm smiles and loving comments people have made to you. Remember when others have encouraged or given you hope in dark times. And consider the difference it made when someone spurred you on by saying “You can do it—I’m praying for you.”In light of this, start thinking about what you can say to family, friends, and colleagues. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Be specific about some quality they have that impresses you.

  • Mention some act of kindness, or an attitude you’ve seen, or a spiritual strength.

  • Express how their life matters to you and share your gratitude to God for them

Difficult relationships?

Relationships aren’t always Hallmark perfect! If you’ll be speaking to someone who triggers less than the best in you, take time to think about your response. From talking to many young mothers, and as a mother and mother-in-law, I know that cross-generational relationships can be prickly at times. If these relationships make you tense, Christmas is an ideal time to ask the Holy Spirit to help you find the best words, perhaps to even heal a long-standing hurt.

What about your husband?    

Most men would love to receive words of appreciation, or admiration, or acceptance—as well as that gizmo, sweater, or underwear. How about thinking through words of support: What can I do today to help you? Or words of respect: What do you think about this? How do you feel about this situation? How do you want to handle this? If he’s not used to these nourishing words from you—keep piling them on and watch the effect!

What about you?

Do you think before speaking to yourself? Catch yourself speaking words you’d never dream of saying to anyone else? Find you downplay your positive character traits and only focus on your weaknesses?Your words are powerful—they can rob you of joy and deprive you of feeling God’s loving acceptance. Or, they can fill you with awe and worship that the God of the Universe came into this world to seek YOU, have a relationship with YOU, and call YOU His own forever! Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us. He lives in YOU by His Spirit—ready to speak words that bring life, healing, and hope to others. As you think of the people you will speak to this Christmas season, ask Him for the right words to say, and then: Go and touch someone’s life in the Name of Jesus.Let your joy in Jesus spill out to others!

Let's Talk: How has thinking before you speak helped you bring joy and build rather than break down a relationship?(If you are an email subscriber and want to comment on the actual post, click here to visit the blog and leave a comment.)

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Merry Christmas!


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