That Sounds Like Me!
Do you ever ask yourself now and again, who am I, really? I ask myself that fairly often. Sometimes, knowing who we are can be hard to figure out.There are days when I’m happy, outgoing, and highly energetic. In fact, I’m like the Energizer Bunny buzzing around getting loads done: articles researched, talks outlined, phone calls made, emails answered, blogs written—as well as smoothing beds, washing dishes, and knowing what we’re going to eat for dinner. Plus, of course, having quality time with God. On days like this when my adrenaline is pumping, I’m amazed at my ability to be super-disciplined, super-organized, and super-successful at scratching nearly everything off my never ending to-do list. Unfortunately, these experiences don’t happen every day.Here is a true confession: because I work out of my home, there are days when I laze around, read magazines, stare at the dishes stacked in the sink, ignore my computer, and get little accomplished. With no ambition to do anything that requires energy, I allow my slug-like tendencies to take over—at least once in a while. Perhaps you identify?If you’re not like this, don’t be discouraged. Understanding your unique mix and believing that you are okay, not spiritually deficient or second-rate, is vital for a healthy relationship with God. As you begin this process of discovering how God put you together and designed you to connect with Him, start by asking yourself, “Who am I, really?”Knowing who we are and how we best connect with God can be tricky—especially if we’re not naturally regimented individuals who can do the same thing at the same time every day. I’m married to one of those types. Watching my husband, Jim, read his Bible every morning and pray every night, I wonder in awe, how does he do it?If you’re not like this, don’t be discouraged. Understanding your unique mix and believing that you are okay, not spiritually deficient or second-rate, is vital for a healthy relationship with God. As you begin this process of discovering how God put you together and designed you to connect with Him, start by asking yourself, “Who am I, really?”If you're new here and not already signed up for my blog, please do! I don't want you to miss any of this series. At the bottom right side of the page, you'll see a subscribe button. You can also subscribe to my twice-monthly newsletter at the top right of the page.
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