Spiritual Strategies for Dark Times
How do you react when you’re in dark times? Do you take the easier path of sinking beneath your feelings? Do you assume that what you tell yourself is true and life is hopeless, or at least, too difficult to bear? In dark times, we all need a light bulb to go on in our minds and hearts so we can see and experience God’s presence. When Paul and Silas found themselves falsely accused, beaten, and imprisoned in a dark and dank dungeon, they sang and praised God (Acts 16: 16-40). How could they do this? What was their secret? What light bulb went on that provided them the inner ability to overcome? Reflecting on their response brought three spiritual strategies to mind that all of us can apply: •Their minds were fixed on things above, not their painful circumstances.•They believed God was with them and they reminded themselves of this by praying, praising, and singing spiritual songs.•Their thoughts and self-talk were filled with the truth of God’s character and faithfulness to them. As a result, their confidence in God produced feelings of joy and peace. By obeying God’s command to give thanks in all things and to praise Him at all times, they experienced a miraculous deliverance from their imprisonment. Why not apply these three strategies to your life and see how God delivers you from whatever dark place you are in today? Blessings,
Poppy SmithInternational speaker, multi-published author, Bible teacher, and spiritual coachInspiring Women to Thrive!