Spiritual Food for the Hungry Soul 1.

Did you make some New Year's resolutions? Can you remember them, ten weeks into 2007? Are they becoming a habit, or would you fit the description in Proverbs 13:4?"The sluggard craves and gets nothing,but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied."Both the sluggard and the diligent person have desires and goals. They both want to achieve certain things with their lives. The difference is, one practices self-management and the other doesn't.There are times in my life when I feel like the sluggard. I crave and get nothing! Instead, I rush through my days like a distracted, ditsy (what does that mean, exactly?) woman. When I'm in this mode, I need the book of Proverbs because it is a "straight-to-the-heart" life-coaching manual. It pulls no punches. It allows no excuses. It tells us how it is.If you're super-organized, super-disciplined, accomplish all your goals and can't understand those who don't, read no further. For the rest of you (who share my struggle with good intentions and poor follow-through), check in tomorrow for some helpful thoughts God impressed on me.


Soul Food for the Hungry Heart 2.