Satisfied With Your Prayer Life?

A famous missionary once remarked that he doubted even the most advanced Christian would say he was satisfied with his prayer life.

What would you say about yours?

I know I want to spend more time, be more regular, remember more people and issues, and draw closer in my inner soul to God. That's a lot to accomplish at once--but like many "elephant sized projects" they can be tackled one bite at a time.

Before we talk about improving our prayer life, however, let's define prayer. Here's some:

Prayer is communication--both speaking and listening, between the creature and Creator
Prayer is a mystery--how can our words reach God--along with everyone else's words?
Prayer is a command--we're to talk to God, seek Him, intercede for others, give Him our burdens, pray against the evil one, express our faith and trust in Him
Prayer is a crying out--for help, forgiveness, mercy, strength, comfort
Prayer is an exchange--my anxiety for His peace, my sorrow for His comfort, my distorted thinking for His truth, my lack of love for His power to love

As you reflect on these definitions, ask yourself--how do I define prayer? I look forward to your postings as we explore this topic in the next blog.


Cats, trees, and answers to prayer!


Spiritual Strategies for Dark Times