Project DeClutter: 4 Helps for Less Stress!

The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down. Proverbs 14:1.

What has clutter to do with either building your house or tearing it down?  A lot!

When Scripture talks about building our house, or tearing it down, it’s referring to far more than a physical dwelling.  Our house includes our heart, our relationships, our attitudes and our values. When our heart, house, or habits create stress, we need help!  I know, because that’s where I am right now.  One of the best things that happened to me a week ago is having visitors stay with us for just one night!  Do you know why?  Because our guest room had become my dumping ground. When I’d get home from speaking out of town, I’d dump my suitcase on the bed and unload any left-over books or CDs. If I needed to go over the inventory, my friend and assistant, Karen, would help me pile up the books on the dresser. They would remain there until I got around to putting them away. Clothes and other items to donate on my next run past the Salvation Army sat in boxes. My desk was also usually buried in stacks of files and papers. Little wonder I read all I can about simplifying and organizing my physical space.

Why DeClutter? If you’re a tidy, organized person you might never ask this question, but some of you might wonder if it’s worth the effort required.  Here’s what I’ve come up with:

  1. God is a God of order. The natural world is built on order and reflects God’s nature.

  2. Disorder often produces a feeling of being overwhelmed by how much needs to be tackled

  3. Disorder often produces frustration, even anger when you can’t find something quickly

  4. Disorder wastes time that could be used more productively.

What Causes Clutter?  Here’s some probabilities:

  1. We don’t have big enough houses with enough storage space (couldn’t resist saying that!)

  2. We have too many possessions—clothes, kitchen items, toys, decorations, books, papers

  3. We put things down rather than away where they belong

  4. We haven’t developed habits and disciplined ourselves to handle things once

  5. We don’t have designated places for every item

In my efforts to be more disciplined and organized, I’ve found the following links helpful.  Why don’t you check them out and see if they have ideas you can adopt. 

  • Spiritual refreshment: This is needed on a regular basis to help you thrive in your relationship with God.

Why not join me in creating order out of chaos just as God did in the beginning!


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