need help thrive
Two weeks ago I came back from a trip to Singapore relaxed and encouraged. I don’t always travel with my husband, but this time I did. We spent several enjoyable evenings with long-time friends before I left for the States and Jim went on to teach in China.One of the first things I like to do when I get home is shuffle through the mail—and that’s when my happy mood was punctured. Two letters informed me that my health insurance company and the one that provided prescription coverage, had dropped me. In ten days I would be without any health coverage—and I was leaving again in two days for a conference in the mid-west!
How do you react when facing an unexpected crisis?
I’ll be honest. I felt: Panic, Fear, and Helplessness.
It was too late in the evening to call either company so I headed to bed—and a night of tossing, turning, and fretting. What was I going to do? Why did THEY do it? How can I get coverage in a few days? What bad timing—Jim is in China, we can’t communicate, and I can’t get him to solve my problem!After several hours of thinking, praying, and thinking some more, I found myself repeating the familiar, but easily forgotten, words of Proverbs 3:5-6.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and lean not on your own understanding,
in all your ways acknowledge Him,
and He will direct your path”
Suddenly (a “coincidence”?), I remembered the booklet sent last Fall regarding health care choices—and even remembered where I’d put it! Calling the Adviser listed in the booklet, I poured out my tale of woe, amplified by my pleas to not let me enter healthcare limbo. He listened, reassured me, and got me covered from May 1st.I know that not all our crises get answered that quickly, but:
God does exist—don’t forget that in your panic.
God does know what is happening in your life right now.
God will walk with you in whatever circumstance you are facing.
In her book, Live These Words, my friend Lucinda Secrest McDowell, shares this prayer.
Pray it with me if you recognize yourself in these words—as I do!
“Dear heavenly Father, I praise you today for the multiple commands in the Bible to trust you. Father, first of all, for the many attempts I make not to need you and to be my own savior—or at least a consulting partner to the Trinity, forgive me. Even though I assume I will only be able to trust you with ALL my heart on the Day when Jesus returns, I will trust you today with as much of my heart as I can possibly muster.” Amen.
I’d love to hear your thoughts! Contact me ….. Poppy
Photo credit: DollarPhoto Club