“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever” Hebrews 13:8

“To everything there is a season” Ecc. 3:1 

All of us experience changes in our lives—some are exciting, some are painful, and some are stressful, yet they all hold seeds of spiritual and personal growth.Life doesn’t stand still—even though we wish it would, especially when all is well! Summer is around the corner and I love seeing the full glory of God’s creation in blooming flowers, leafy trees, and beautifully colored birds and butterflies.  Yet, Fall soon happens, telling us that change is coming. Winter follows, a time when it seems nothing is happening, and yet it’s essential for the new beginning that comes in Spring.

Nature’s changing seasons mirror our own life changes

  • Physically: A baby takes its first steps, and middle school, high school, work or college follows. Parents or other loved ones pass on. We’re all part of the cycle of life.

  • Relationally: Friendships often change, marriages dissolve, and families grow apart.

  • Work/Career: Your work and career path changes. Ministry opportunities, new passions and opportunities bring change.

  • Health: Challenges happen. Aging happens.

Unwanted changes often produce:

  • Painful feelings of loss. Perhaps of a parent, a marriage, a dream, a promotion, financial security, a man to love you, bearing a child, or a life-altering health diagnosis. In this season we can grapple with fear, grief, anger, and the adjustment of our expectations.

  • A sense of hopelessness. Your experience might feel like a death. You wonder if you’ll ever feel joy, or hope, or trust, or peace again. You’re devastated! And perhaps you question “God, how could You allow this?” This season is the Winter of the soul, and it seems bleak. But Spring is coming.

  • A challenge to trust God. In His time, and as you heal and work spiritually and emotionally with the new beginning God has allowed, Spring will come. Your energy and enthusiasm will come back and you will look forward again.

Change is inevitable, and it always means an ending of what was. Change inevitably leads to a new beginning to embrace, or adjust to. Change always challenges us to a place of deeper trust, stronger faith, and confidence in God’s love no matter what happens in our lives. Is this where you are today? God does not change, my friend. He loves you, is for you, and will take you through whatever change you are facing.   Practice what the Psalmist did and you WILL experience His presence in life’s inevitable changes.

“Trust in the Lord… Delight yourself in the Lord… Commit your way to the Lord… Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him” Ps. 37: 3-7.

When I am afraid, I will trust in You.  In God, whose word I praise, in God I will trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?” Ps. 56: 3-4


For further insights read the chapter, "How do I stay Standing in Life’s Storms" from my book, I'm Too Human to Be Like Jesus.

Photo Credit: Graphic Stock Photo


Grow, Risk, Thrive! (Summer series: 2019)


Meditation: Buddhist-based or Bible-Based?