Jesus Prayed; Do You?
Sometimes I'm too busy to blog, but not too busy to pray! In fact, the more I’ve had on my list to do, the more I sent up arrow prayers, Scripture promise prayers, and praise prayers. I need God when the pressure builds and my perspective threatens to sink from faith to sight. Jesus also found prayer a necessity. Just skim through the Gospel of Luke and see:
- Jesus prayed when he was baptized –His public ministry began with prayer.
- Jesus prayed before choosing the twelve disciples–His key decisions were guided by prayer.
- Jesus prayed when the 5,000 tried to make Him King–He prayed in the face of temptation.
- Jesus prayed in Gethsemane–He prayed in great anguish of spirit and was comforted.
- Jesus prayed in the early morning–He prayed before the rush and distraction of the day.
- Jesus prayed throughout the day–He prayed in response to every situation, staying connected with the Father–His source of strength, wisdom, and power.
How about you? Do you need strength? Wisdom? Power? Peace? Relief from stress?
Jesus prayed. And we have the same privilege at any time and in any circumstance.
“Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests” - Ephesians 6:18Blessings,
Poppy SmithInternational speaker, multi-published author, Bible teacher, and spiritual coachInspiring Women to Thrive!
Article originally posted on May 6, 2007Photo: