Jesus, Lead Me...

Five months after stepping down as the Teaching Leader of my local Bible Study Fellowship class, my mother had a sudden heart attack. I was able to get on a flight to London later that day, be with my mother through the long night of her death, and speak at her funeral. The evening before I left, my father told me his astounding news: he had been stirred up to seek God. A week later, he wrote and said that he had received Jesus Christ into his life and wanted to read the Bible.This event was the most stunning experience I have had of God answering prayer—after waiting and waiting and doubting it would ever happen. God blew my weak faith to pieces, etching into my soul the truth that He has the power to answer prayer no matter how impossible it seems to our human minds (Ephesians 3:20).Shortly after this, the longing to teach once again about the living God who acts in human lives became like a fire in my bones. I prayed intently for weeks, asking God to open doors, to bring an invitation to teach a women’s Bible study—but nothing happened. Until a month later:A women’s director from a large local church approached me as I sat in the carpool line waiting to pick up my son from school. After greeting me, she said, “Several people have told me you’re no longer teaching the BSF class. I’ve been praying for this past month, asking God for someone to teach our women’s Bible study in the Fall. Would you possibly be available?”I didn’t know she was praying at the same time I was praying, but God did. He answered both our prayers. But teaching for her church was not the end. Through her, doors opened to teach evening classes at Multnomah Bible School, then to contribute curriculum to a book on Women’s Ministry, then to meeting the president of a women’s conference who invited me to speak in Michigan—and Australia, and on and on.Praying and waiting, waiting and praying. Let me encourage you--this time is not wasted because it:

  1. Allows the Holy Spirit to develop in us a persevering faith where we keep praying like Elijah, over and over until we see signs of God at work.

  2. Allows the Holy Spirit to purify our motives—is it self-glory or God’s glory we seek? It is my will or His that I want most?

  3. Allows the Holy Spirit to make us, and the situation He has in mind, ready for His purposes.

If you are waiting today for an answer to a dream or desire God has put in your heart, keep praying. If it is of Him, He will lead you and make your way clear.

Let's Talk: Do you have a story to tell of God’s leading?


Joyful, Cheerful, Thankful?


Dan Versus the Killer Bees