I just came across an old hymn that ignites my passion for being like Jesus. Our power to be different from our old selves and free from our automatic reactions comes from the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8).We talk about Jesus knocking at our hearts, but it wasn't meant to be a one-time event. I find I need to ask Him to fill me with His Spirit constantly. How about you?What do I (and every Christian) need to be like Jesus? Read the following and let the Spirit of God tell you. Spend a few minutes with the Lord and pray this prayer for yourself and what He shows you."
Gracious Spirit dwell with me,I myself would gracious beAnd with words that help and healWould Thy life in me revealAnd with actions bold and meekWould for Christ my Savior speak.
Truthful Spirit dwell with meI myself would truthful beAnd with wisdom kind and clearLet Thy life in me appearAnd with actions brotherlySpeak my Lord's sincereity.
Mighty Spirit dwell with meI myself would mighty beMighty so as to prevailWhere unaided man must failEver by a mighty hopePressing on and bearing up.
Holy Spirit dwell with meI myself would holy beSeparate from sin I wouldChoose and cherish all things goodAnd whatever I can beGive to Him who gave me Thee.Qu: What has the Spirit of the Living God said to you? Let us know.Poppy