“Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me.Psalm 25:4-5

You are a unique creation of God.  So am I!

We have different fingerprints, DNA, personalities, and backgrounds. We are designed to grow as Jesus followers in many different ways.  How God has grown you—taken you through tears and tough times—might be different from what I’ve encountered.  How God blesses and brings you closer to Him might differ from how He works in my life—or your husband’s, your friend’s, or a fellow Christians.He shows us His ways in our unique circumstances. He teaches us His paths to take so we grow.After trying to fit into a very detail-oriented Bible study that didn’t fit my more free-spirited personality (see my last blog), I continued to despair. 

  • As a young believer, I didn’t know what the Bible taught about watching the way I talked. So when I was angry, I swore.

  • When I got annoyed, I used my talent for sarcasm.

  • When things didn’t go my way, I got impatient and ugly.

God knew that for me to change how I instinctively thought and related to others, I desperately needed teaching—and encouragement.  But I also needed to get to the place of brokenness, where I cried out to God change me. (You can read about this in my book, “Why Can’t He Be More Like Me?”) At my lowest point, we moved to another state and another church. And within a few weeks I was asked if I’d like to attend a Bible study—and it had childcare!God’s program for transforming His ugly caterpillar was about to begin!Pouring over the weekly lessons I found myself reflecting, responding, applying and scribbling my answers over every bit of space available.

  • I observed Jesus in the Gospels and how he treated people.

  • I delved into God’s character in the Old Testament.

  • And I experienced the Holy Spirit’s reality and power to help me change over and over again as I cooperated with Him—repenting of my angry words, finding the power to control my actions, wanting to be like Him in my attitudes and motives.

After twelve years studying the Word, seven of them as the teaching leader, God moved me on to a new and completely unexpected ministry.Today I still marvel at His love and mercy. That God would care to design my unique path to live for Him still moves me to tears.How did God design you to grow?  Can you trace His hand opening doors, moving you away from an unwise path, teaching you through trials and unexpected events?And if you’re in a tough, new, growing place right now (which happens!), be encouraged—God is still at work in you and promises:“I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them. I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do.  I will not forsake them.”Isaiah 42:16Blessings,Poppy

For further insights read my book,

Why Can't HE Be More Like ME?

I’d love to autograph your copy when you order HERE.


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