"God so loved the world that He GAVE…” John 3:16

When I think of all God has given to those of us who know Him, I am often moved to tears of gratitude! How about you?

No, our celebrations are not what we’re used to. No, maybe we won’t be with family (we wont!) No, the joy of exchanging gifts and watching the delight on loved one’s faces wont happen (except via Zoom). BUT it won’t be forever!

What will be forever? God’s gifts that will never be out of date, unwanted, or discarded.

Here are three powerful ones that thrill me! (What ones thrill you? Let me know!)

  • A Savior, Jesus Christ, who has taken away everything we’re ashamed of. (Romans 3:21-26) Things we’ve done, words we’ve said, selfish “me-first” attitudes, spiritual laziness and coldness—the list could go on—and that’s just a few areas I have seen in myself at times. But those sins are all gone in God’s eyes. They are not held against me—or against you! You are forgiven, made new, accepted in the Beloved, and God’s much-loved friend through faith in Jesus’ death for you. Amazing!
  • God dwelling in us through His Holy Spirit. He is not a ghost or some strange entity Jesus said would come to us and dwell in us. (John 16: 5-15) The Holy Spirit is Jesus Himself, living in us, giving us the needed power to live as He wants. Even now, in the midst of Covid, disappointments, loss, heartache, loneliness, financial struggles—you are not alone. I was reminded of this afresh this morning as I read the following poignant piece by George Muller, mourning the loss of his wife of sixty-two years:

“Lord Jesus, I am alone. Yet I am not alone, for You are with me and are my Friend. Now, Lord, please comfort me, strengthen me, and give to Your poor servant everything that You see I need.”

That’s experiencing the presence of Jesus which is promised to you and to me in the happy days and the heart-breaking days. If that’s where you are when you read this, let Muller’s prayer touch your heart and bring you close to Jesus, who sees, who cares, and who waits to comfort you.

  • A calling, a purpose, good works He has prepared for you to do. (Philippians 2:12-13) You’re not on earth for no reason! What gives you joy? A sense of accomplishment? How are you being a blessing to someone—by your actions, words of support, prayers on their behalf? What has God gifted you with that He wants you to share with someone else?

    In researching my first book, I’m Too Young to be This Old, I discovered that people live longer and more happily IF they have a sense of purpose. You don’t have to search for your purpose—God has given it to you and to me! It is to know Him and to share His love and blessings with others. 
  • Ask God to show you HOW to know Him on a deeper level than you do now!
  • Share with Him your deepest emotions, just like George Muller did. Be honest—that’s what He wants.
  • Let Him comfort you through His Word—especially read through the Psalms.
  • And REJOICE as you bathe in the many, many gifts He has blessed you with in the past, today, and has planned for the days ahead.

Have a Merry Christmas, my friends. I will be praying that these words from my heart to yours, will be used by God’s Spirit at this Christmas Season to bring you a fresh awareness of all you have been blessed with in Christ.

Don’t forget to email me and let me know the blessings that thrill you! It always thrills me to hear. poppy@poppysmith.com



