For a Faith Lift, Practice Praising

Reading through Romans 4 recently I was struck by verse 19, "He (Abraham) did not weaken in faith when he considered the utter impotence of his own body...and the barrenness of Sarah's womb."

It's so normal to look at impossibilities and think, "There's no way this is going to happen--even if God says it will." But Abraham refused to think that way. He didn't bury his head in the sand or ignore his physical impotence. He knew he was too old to father a child and Sarah was too old to bear one. But he also knew God would never break His promise.

No unbelief, distrust, or negative thinking made him waver. Instead he grew strong and was empowered to believe, and keep on believing, "As he gave praise and glory to God" v.20, Amp.Bible.

What's the key to a growing faith? To affirming your faith in God's goodness and wisdom? Abraham models it: keep your eyes and heart fixed on God, who He is, what He is like, what He promises to do for you. Praise Him, rejoice and delight in Him. Glory in His faithfulness.

What's the alternative when you're facing a test of faith? You can be consumed by negative thoughts, fears, hopelessness, and cynicism. You can let the Evil One devour your joy, OR you can turn your heart to God and praise Him. Which are you doing today?


Transform Your Thinking, Transform Your Life!


Prayer is a battle against distractions!