Featured Author Special Discount!

I'm pleased to be a featured author on the EABooks Facebook page today! I'm Too Human to Be Like JesusTo celebrate, you can receive a 40% discount on the physical version of my book, I'm Too Human to Be Like Jesus, by completing the following actions:

  1. "Like" the EABooks Facebook page
  2. Share the Facebook post EABooks posted this morning on your own Facebook timeline
  3. Then click on this link to purchase the physical copy of my bookBe sure to type in the discount code EABooks2014 for 40% off in the discount code box before you finalize your purchase. (The ebook version is available on Amazon.)

*This code is only valid through the end of the day tomorrow, July 11, 2014.Thank you to EABooks for featuring me today!

Poppy Smith

International speaker, multi-published author, Bible teacher, and spiritual coach

Inspiring Women to Thrive! 

Permission to use this article is granted provided the following credit is fully included.

Poppy Smith is funny, warm, and passionate about helping women grow spiritually and personally so they experience the love and power of Christ in life’s ups and downs. A former teaching leader with Bible Study Fellowship, Poppy has a Masters in Spiritual Formation and ministers extensively as a retreat and conference speaker both in the US and around the world. For more information about Poppy’s heart, her books and ministry, please visit her website at www.poppysmith.com.


Show a Missionary You Care! {Thrive This Summer}


Thrive This Summer! Be Alert to Your Emotions