Empty Nest Blues

For many mothers (and fathers), the emptying nest ushers in as profound a life change as retirement after a lifelong career. "I don't know who I am anymore," my friend, Marcia, said in an anguished voice. "I spent my time being a room mother, ferrying the kids to sports activities, doing fund-raisers, and just being a mom. Now who am I? What am I supposed to do?"

Whether you''re a full-time mom, work part-time or have a demanding career in addition to kids, when the nest begins to empty, life changes. That adorable little baby, cute grade-schooler, or maddening teen, has now morphed into a young adult who needs and craves freedom to explore life on his own. Like a butterfly bursting through its cocoon, our kids obey the God-given urge to break free.

One Christian family counselor said, "Learning to be a separate person is the main task of young adulthood, becoming equal rather than being under their parent's dominance." In contrast, the main task we parents face is letting go and releasing control. It isn't easy--but it must happen!

What has your experience been like?

I'll post some more on the Empty Nest Blues but hope this gives you something to chew over.

Want more help on releasing kids and other midlife issues? Order, "I'm Too Young to be This Old" from my website: www.poppysmith.com




When I say I am a Christian