Do you have a dream? A tug toward something in the future that matters to you and to God? Where there is no vision, we perish. We feel stuck. We miss out on praying and thinking and watching God work in our lives.What matters to me is helping women who hunger to grow spiritually and emotionally take some concrete steps forward with their lives. Women who maybe are struggling with a hard situation. Or who wonder how to handle disappointment. Or want to see change in themselves and in their circumstances.As a young mother I thought that season of life would never end. It was a precious time snuggling and loving my two little ones. But it was hard and overwhelming at times. Yet it passed, as all seasons of life pass. So will the season you are in.To encourage you to get ready for what God has ahead, get a journal or notebook and take a few minutes to do the following. Dream about the future--whether one year, five or more down the road.Describe (or draw) what you would like your life to look like at that time. Be specific. Remember God gives us desires, He works in our hearts and longings, and He enables us to do what He calls us to (Phil.2:13).In my next blog I'll give you another concrete step to finding and pursuing what God has put in your heart. (Be sure and sign up so you don't miss any steps.)
Question: Do you already know your dream for a future season? Make a comment and tell us what it is.