Are You Poisoning Your Soul?

When you see someone with more personality or friends than you have, how do you feel?What goes around in your mind? I’m not as popular, attractive, or outgoing as them—but I wish I was.What about when you see someone who is really gifted and capable, or who got promoted, or is more financially successful? Plus, they are spiritual and humble! Do you feel like slinking away?Being human, we all struggle at times with the Comparison Syndrome:•We compare ourselves with others—their accomplishments, abilities, position in life.•We compare our spouses (if we have one).•We compare our children (if we have them)—their looks, smarts, behavior.•We compare our business or career or ministry with others.
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What’s the effect? It’s like playing with a scorpion. We poison our own souls.•Comparisons can produce PRIDE. It can puff us up, give us a big ego, lead us to become arrogant, and believe we are better than another.•Comparisons can fuel an unhealthy need to PROVE to others and ourselves that “I’m as good as you are.”•Comparisons can chain us to a POOR ME attitude where we battle feelings of failure, inferiority and shame. In Asia it is called “losing face.”


We’re looking for something only God can give us: A sense of significance, purpose, meaning, and worth. We crave an inner assurance that we matter. That we have value. That Someone cares.


Knowing we were created by Him and for Him. Colossians 1:16 Knowing we were and are continually saved not on the basis of what we do but because of His mercy that never ends. Titus 3:4-5This is what gives us the sense of significance, purpose, meaning and worth we all crave.The Bible is full of God’s declarations of His love and acceptance. Check out my next blog for some more soul changing Scriptures you can use to stomp on those scorpions.Do you compare yourself to friends, family, or coworkers or your loved ones to others? How have you seen the scorpion of comparison attack? How does God see you differently?


Facing Attack?


Why Can't HE Be More Like ME? Radio Interview