“Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself” Matthew 6:34

Jesus referred to worry five times in just nine verses: Matthew 6: 25-34.  He repeated what seems an impossible command in our current fear about catching the Corona Virus. He said:

·         Do not worry,

·         Don’t be anxious,

·         Don’t act like people who are alone in the universe without a God who is real to them.

What does that mean today and in the weeks and, maybe, even months to come?

·         Is Jesus telling us not to think ahead?

·         Not to plan for the future?

·         Not to make prudent decisions for our health, home, retirement, or family issues?

·         Do His words contradict so many verses that commend thinking carefully about our lives? Of course not. 

Prudent thinking is not the same as Persistent worry. Jesus is speaking against habitual worry. Against being stuck in the kind of mental trap where you get more and more fearful about a situation, whether it’s actually happened or not.  It is reacting with growing anxiety to a situation and allowing yourself to be consumed by it.  Do you recognize yourself?

Jesus gives 2 solid reasons why we shouldn’t worry:

1.      Remember: You have a heavenly Father who loves, values, and will give you:

Wisdom, comfort, guidance, courage, greater faith and trust, confidence and peace.

2.      Worry can never change your circumstances, but it does have the power to negatively impact you! It can rob you of peace. Totally skew your perspective of God and others. Become a source of illness, depression, panic attacks, and other physical and emotional problems.


To overcome the worry habit, begin to ask yourself some questions. Take a little time to pray for the Holy Spirit to help you understand why you’re worried. Ask yourself:

·         What am I worried about? Name it clearly.

·         Is worrying helping or making me more tense and upset?

·         How do I know if my worries will come true?

·         Where is my focus—on God’s promised help or my helplessness?

Here are three additional helps to get a grip on your fears:

1.      Realize you scare yourself by what you focus on—so flip your thinking to God!

2.      Recognize that rehearsing your fears only INCREASES their grip on your mind.

3.      Refuse to be a victim of your imagination and emotions. Think facts and truth!

After you’ve done this, memorize Scriptures that will strengthen your trust in the Lord. Here’s a promise: If you apply your faith in God, He will strengthen you and free you from fear.  

Isaiah 40:31: “Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.”

Will you honor God by putting your trust and faith in Him today? That’s what I’m choosing to do.

I’m praying you will have calm and confidence in God’s care and love as you go through this new experience for all of us!


Want more help?  Connect with me. Check out my book, I’m Too Human to be Like Jesus: Spiritual Growth for the Not-so-Perfect Woman. You’ll find more practical help in the chapter: How Can I Stand in Life’s Storms? 

Photo credit: GraphicStock Photos


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