8 Self-Talk Traps You CAN Overcome

Many dreams die before they ever get started. Do you know why? Because we talk ourselves out of stepping forward into the unknown! Here are eight common self-talk traps that can hold you back.

You tell yourself:

  1. To dream is foolish. It’s a crazy idea for someone like me.

  2. Who am I to attempt something new and challenging?

  3. Why risk looking foolish?

  4. It’s just a waste of time and money.

  5. My family will be put out. It will shake up our routine.

  6. I was told I’d never amount to much, so why try?

  7. I’m not needed and I have nothing to contribute.

  8. Just be content. Settle for what is. Forget your desires and stirrings.

There are many more thoughts and phrases that we allow to swallow our God-given dreams. Can you think of some you wrestle with, in addition to the ones I’ve mentioned?

To free yourself: Question your self-talk

  • Don’t roll over and play dead when you’re bullied and assaulted by your negative inner critic. What you tell yourself is often not true. Nor is it coming from the Holy Spirit. Knowing the truth about yourself and who you are in Christ brings freedom. “If you hold to my teachings you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32)

  • Fight back by questioning the statements you hear. Are they true? Or are they lies you’ve absorbed without question? Are they unproven assumptions you’ve made about yourself because someone else said that to you? Are they springing from fears that you need to look at, pray over, and refute with God’s Word? “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5)

To free yourself: Look at the work and stirring of God in your life

  • Where has God stirred you to step forward before? Have you done anything you’ve never done before? Of course, you have! Life is full of new challenges and God will help you as you move into the new thing He is working in your life. “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland” (Isaiah 43:19).

  • God’s call is always to come closer to Him, to be more like Him. He is always drawing you forward for your blessing and the blessing of others.

When the evil one fills me with fears of various kinds, here’s what I do:

I speak truth to myself by repeating over and over what God says:

God is at work in me.

He is for me.

He will provide all I need.

His purpose is to mature my faith and deepen my trust and experience of Him.

He is transforming me into the likeness of Jesus, who always did what his Father said.

Now are you ready to say YES to what God has for you?

Let’s Talk:It’s been exciting to hear stories from different ones. I’d love to hear how God has stirred you to overcome obstacles and what He is leading you toward. 


Trusting God Beyond The Familiar


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