3 Ways to Shine in this Present Darkness

Las Vegas, North Korea, hurricanes, floods, fires, and racial clashes have surrounded us with fear and darkness. Poppy SmithListening to the news and talking with anxious friends, my mind swirls with their questions:

  • What is happening to our world?
  • Where is God?
  • Are we helpless pawns?
  • How are we supposed to respond?

As followers of the Living God, we are never pawns and never without guidance from Him. [Tweet "As followers of the Living God, we are never pawns and never without guidance from Him."]Scripture is full of directions for life but we won’t benefit from God’s wisdom unless we download it into our brains! Let me encourage you to do that beginning with Psalm 119: 10-16. Try to read it before bed tonight, and read some more tomorrow. In addition, here are three ways to respond when you’re struggling with the darkness:

  1. Do something good!

Jesus said “let your light shine before men, so they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven (Matt. 5:16). The light is His presence fueling our concern for the well-being of others.People might reject your words but acts of kindness and words of encouragement are powerful. What could you do today, or tomorrow, to light up someone’s life?

  1. Fill your mind with Christ, not your circumstances.

When Paul and Silas found themselves falsely accused, beaten, and imprisoned in darkness, they sang and praised God (Acts 16: 16-40). How could they do this? What was their secret? What light bulb went on that provided them the inner ability to overcome?Their minds were fixed on Who was with them and they reminded themselves of this by praying, praising, and singing spiritual songs. “Amazing Grace” covers all circumstances, but what other songs lift you up into God’s presence? Start singing! 

  1. Rehearse God’s presence in your life.

When the disciples found themselves in darkness, tossed around by wild winds and stormy waves, they were terrified (John 6: 16-21).  Then they saw someone walking on the water and were even more frightened. But Jesus responded with words He wants us to never forget, “It is I; don’t be afraid.”Once the disciples recognized Jesus’ presence, they had peace.  When has Jesus stepped into your scary situations in the past?  How did He calm the storms that threatened your life?  Rehearse, mull over His presence in those times. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.  He is in this present darkness with you, and He says, “It is I; don’t be afraid.”  Qu. I’d love to hear what helps you deal with these difficult times.[Tweet "3 Ways to Shine in this Present Darkness #Choose2Grow"]Praying for Jesus to shine in you, and through you!   I’m loving the coaching ministry God is blessing me with. Check my coaching page for more information.Photo credit: GraphicStock


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