How Can a Choleric Connect With God?

Donna, the Choleric I introduced you to in the previous blog, wants to grow in her awareness of God’s voice, and in community with others. But she needs the right environment for her personality type.

Maybe you identify with her comments about the kind of group that fits her personality?

“If I’m going to spend a few hours in a group Bible study,” she stated emphatically, “then it had better have more to offer than a place for women to chit-chat about their kids or vacation plans!

“I want a study that is structured, begins, and ends on time, and has a leader who reins in women who talk too much! When I’m part of a group like that, I’m willing to commit.” 

Wow! Do you feel that way? If you do, you’re not alone!
Powerfully driven to do something meaningful with her time, a Choleric needs activities that have purpose, are well-organized, and accomplish their mission. 
In addition to a focused and well-run women’s group, to connect with God, a Choleric can benefit from:
  • Someone in their lives who can speak lovingly, but truthfully to them. With their strong personalities, Cholerics can dominate others without being aware of how they come across.

    Invite a safe friend to give you input that might be hard to hear. But, instead of being hurt, thank God for revealing areas that need change and growth in your life.
  • Finding a spiritually mature prayer-partner you admire and want to learn from.

    • To find a prayer-partner, start asking God to direct you. Commit your desire to Him and watch who He brings to mind.

    • Think about the different Christian women you admire whose personalities are compatible (but not necessarily identical) with yours.

    • Approach one of them and ask if they would pray about getting together. Share your desire for someone to pray with and see her response. If your first meeting goes well and you both feel God is drawing you together, set up a regular schedule at a time and place convenient to you both.

    • If meeting together isn’t possible, don’t overlook the convenience of a regular phone call or Zoom. You could meet in your car, or during your lunch-hour or after work.

Once you’ve found the right person and built a trusting relationship, invite her to speak into your life. You might want to ask:

  • What does she see as your strengths? Your spiritual gifts?

  • What areas does she see that need looking at--your attitudes? Self-talk? View of God? Habits?

  • Does she have some wisdom to share about decisions you are facing?

  • Has God given her a word from Scripture to encourage you?

As you experience freedom to pray together about whatever is on your heart, you’ll not only give each other support, you’ll create an environment that produces genuine spiritual growth.

And that might be just what God intended for your blessing!
Qu.  Do you have a prayer partner?

How has this person spoken into your life?

How have they helped you connect with God on a deeper level?
Keep praying for this kind of friend, mentor, or support in your life. We all need that person as we go through life. (If I can be a long-distance support to you, get in touch!)


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I’m a Choleric and I Need Action!